Aspects in Mundo

To view the In Mundo Aspects for the current chart, select the Details/Aspects/In Mundo Aspects... menu option. The In Mundo Aspects table will be shown.
The bottom half of the table contains all the Aspects based on planets positions in houses for the currently selected chart.
The top half of the table displays the shortest angular distances between the planets in the chart based on house positions instead of ecliptic longitude.

There are 12 methods for in-mundo aspects calculations:
  1. Proportional: this method will use the proportional distances of each planet between corresponding house cusps. This is the default method and it will always use the House System of the base chart.
  2. Placidus: in-mundo aspects calculated using Placidus method (proper mundane positions in Placidus House System).
  3. Koch: in-mundo aspects calculated using Koch method (proper mundane positions in the Koch House System).
  4. Porphyrius: in-mundo aspects calculated using Porphyrius method (proper mundane positions in the Porphyrius House System).
  5. Regiomontanus: in-mundo aspects calculated using Regiomontanus method (proper mundane positions in the Regiomontanus House System).
  6. Campanus: in-mundo aspects calculated using Campanus method (proper mundane positions in the Campanus House System).
  7. Alcabitius: in-mundo aspects calculated using Alcabitius method (proper mundane positions in the Alcabitius House System).
  8. Meridian: in-mundo aspects calculated using the Axial Rotation method (proper mundane positions in Meridian House System).
  9. Horizontal: in-mundo aspects calculated using the Azimuthal method (proper mundane positions in the Horizontal House System).
  10. Topocentric: in-mundo aspects calculated using Topocentric method (proper mundane positions in the Polich House System).
  11. Morinus: in-mundo aspects calculated using Morinus method (proper mundane positions in the Morinus House System).
  12. Amphora: in-mundo aspects calculated using Krusinski method (proper mundane positions in the Amphora House System).

You can change the in-mundo aspects calculation method by selecting the appropriate value in the top right corner of the In Mundo Aspects window (in the window header).