AstroDynes: Planets
To view AstroDynes/CosmoDynes scores for
- Select your base chart.
- Go to the Details/AstroDynes menu and select the Planets
menu option.
- The Astrodynes: Planets table will
appear. This table contains the following information:
- Planet
- In Zodiac - Planet position in Zodiac
- In House - Planet position in Houses
- Power - the Power score according to the system of AstroDynes.
- % - the % contribution towards the total astrodynes
- H/D - Harmony / Discord score.
If you want to see the graphical representation of the Astrodynes scores,
click on the
Graph button. The columns chart with score
and harmony/discord information will appear.
Note: You can view the same information
using a wide range of chart types. In order to change the default chart
type, right mouse click on the chart, expand the Chart Type menu and
select one of the following chart types:
- Area chart
- Column chart
- Bar chart
- Line Chart
- Pie Chart
- Doughnut Chart
- Radar Chart