Advanced Charts Search

You can use the Advanced Search form to search for your saved charts based on a wide range of criteria, such as Signs, Houses, Position in various coordinates, Speed, Aspects, Considerations, Midpoints, and so on. All criteria can be combined to produce a list of charts that match your search.

Working with Advanced Search form

To open the Advanced Charts Search form, go to the Research menu and select the Advanced Search... menu option.
To open the Advanced First Trade Horoscopes Search form, go to the Finance menu and select the Advanced Search... menu option.

The form consists of the following sections:

Creating search formulas:

  1. In the Type list, select the type of criterion, for example - Position.
  2. In the Objects/Values section, set your desired search parameters, for example to search for saved charts with Sun antiscion at 0 degrees of Aries use the following parameters:
  3. Click the <-Add button. This will add the Search Criterion to your list of Criteria.
  4. Repeat this by adding as many criteria as necessary.
  5. You can change any of the added Criteria by selecting that criteria and clicking the <-Update button. This will replace the selected criteria with the ones currently configured in the Objects/Values section.
  6. The AND/OR/XOR button allows you to combine multiple search criteria (criteria pairs) in different logical ways.
  7. The NOT button allows you to exclude charts that match your criteria (or criteria combinations). Using the example above with the NOT button will return all charts that do not have Sun's antiscion at 0 degrees of Aries.
  8. (..) button allows you to combine search criteria into groups. Those groups can then be joined using AND/OR/XOR operators.
  9. The Clear button erases all selected criteria.
  10. Once search criteria are configured, enter filter parameters (if any) and click the Search button. The Events table will appear. This table will list all the dates that match your search criteria.
  11. You can do the following with the search results table:

Search by Signs

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Sign type (in the right-most table).
  2. Select the Point:
  3. Set the modifier:
  4. Set the IN parameter (search for the point in the selected signs or types of signs):
  5. Click the <-Add button.

Search by Signs/Stats

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Signs/Stats type (in the right-most table).
  2. Set the IN parameter (search for the number of point in the selected signs or types of signs):
  3. Select the comparison operator:
  4. Set the number of planets you want to use as your search criteria.
  5. Click the <-Add button.

Search by Houses

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the House type (in the right-most table).
  2. Select the point or planet.
  3. Set the modifier for this point:
  4. Set the IN parameter (search for the point in the selected signs or types of signs):
  5. Click the <-Add button.

Search for Aspects

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Aspects type.
  2. Set the points that must form an aspect (using the Point and Point 2 list boxes).
  3. Select the Aspect (conjunction, sextile, trine, etc).
  4. Select the Aspect Type: Any, Dexter aspects only, Sinister aspects only.
  5. Set the type of coordinates to use: Longitude, Latitude, RA, or Declination.
  6. Configure the Orb rules:

Example: select Longitude coordinates, set Point 1 to Mercury and Point 2 to Jupiter, and Conjunction Aspect. This search will produce charts that have Mercury and Jupiter conjunct within the specified orb and aspect types criteria.

Search for Aspect Patterns

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Aspect Patterns type.
  2. Select any of the following aspect patterns:

Search for Aspected Points

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Aspected Point type.
  2. Set the Object or Planet that must form an aspect.
  3. Set the modifier for this planet:
  4. Select the longitude position of the aspected point.
  5. Select the Aspect (conjunction, sextile, trine, square, opposition, etc).
  6. Select the Aspect Type: Any, Dexter aspects only, Sinister aspects only.
  7. Configure the Orb rules:

Example: set the Point to Mercury and Point position to 60.0, and Sextile Aspect. This search will produce all charts where Mercury makes sextile aspect to 0 Gemini point.

Search by Phase

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Phase type (right-most table).
  2. Select the two points that are making phases to each other.
  3. Set modifiers for each of the points (see above for details).
  4. Select the Phase to search for (1/2 means 1st of 2 phases, 1/8 means first of 8 phases, and so on).

Search by Dignities

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Dignities type (right-most table).
  2. Select the point.
  3. Set modifiers for this points (see above for details).
  4. Select the Dignity:
    1. Ruler,
    2. Exaltation
    3. Triplicity Rulers 1, 2, or 3
    4. Term/Bound
    5. Face
    6. Fall
    7. Detriment
    8. Peregrine
  5. This search will return all charts that have selected points in specified dignities.

Search by Ruler

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Ruler type (right-most table).
  2. Select the point 1 that should be the ruler of the point 2.
  3. Set modifiers for the 2nd point (see above for details).
  4. This search will return all charts that have the first planet ruling the second planet or point.

Search by Phase

  1. In the Advanced Transits Search form, select the Phase type.
  2. Select Planets that must form a Phase.
  3. Select the Phase.

Search for Considerations

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Considerations type.
  2. Select any of the following considerations:

Search by Position

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Position type (right-most table).
  2. Select the point and its modifier (see above for details).
  3. Set the type of coordinates to use: Longitude, Latitude, RA, or Declination.
  4. Select the comparison operator:
  5. Enter the desired value In the Number box.

Example: select Longitude coordinates, Sun object, Own position (modifier), = operator, 0.0 value to search for charts with the Sun exactly at 0 Aries.

Search by Speed

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Speed type.
  2. In the Point list box, select your object.
  3. Select the comparison operator (see above for details).
  4. Set the Speed value to search for.

Example: set Mercury as your object, 0.0 value to search for charts where Mercury is stationary (has 0 speed in longitude).

Search by Direction of the motion

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Direct/Retrograde type.
  2. In the Point list box, select your planet, asteroid, etc.
  3. Select the motion direction:
    1. Direct
    2. Retrograde
    3. Station in Longitude

Example: set Venus as your object, Retro as the motion direction value to search for charts where Venus is retrograde.

Search by Sects of Planets

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Planets/Sect type.
  2. In the Point list box, select your object.
  3. Select the Sect condition:
  4. This search will return all charts that have the specified planet dignified in sect based on the Sect condition selected.

Search by Chart Sects

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Chart/Sect type.
  2. Select the Sect condition:

Search for Midpoints Aspects

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Midpoints type.
  2. Set the points that must form a midpoint (using the Point 1 and Point 2 list boxes).
  3. In the Modulus list box, select the modulus (H1 through H32).
  4. Set the Orb for midpoint conjunctions
  5. Set the points that will be forming the second midpoint (using the Point 1 and Point 2 list boxes below).

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