Almutens Designer and Map Themes Editor

The Almutens Designer

To open the Almuten Designer, select the Utilities/Almuten Designer... menu option.

Creating new Almutens

  1. Open the Almuten Designer.
  2. Enter Almuten Name and optionally - almuten description.
  3. Use the Sect list-box to decide whether this almuten will be applicable to only diurnal charts, only nocturnal charts or to both.
  4. Select the Type of the Almuten:
  5. House Offset - decide whether to use house offset for calculating planets placements in houses.
  6. Use the left most Position/Score table to configure the scoring rules for the Almuten.
  7. Selecting Planets/Objects:
    1. First, select the type (modifier) of the object:
      • Own position - the actual position of the object, planet, luminaries or Arabic part will be used.
      • Dispositor - the position of the dispositor of the selected object will be used.
      • 1st, 2nd, 3rd Triplicity rulers - rulers of the corresponding Triplicities (Trigons) will be used
      • Bound ruler - the ruler of the Term / Bound of the selected object
      • Face ruler - the ruler of the Face / Decanate of the selected planet
      • Antiscion - the antiscion point of the selected object.
      • Contra-Antiscion - the contra-antiscion point of the selected object.
    2. Then, select in which house the object / point must be present in order to be considered.
    3. Finally, drag planets and other available points that you want to use for Almuten calculation from the Available Points table to the Selected Points table in the middle.
    4. To use Arabic Parts (Lots), click the Arabic Parts... button. The Arabic Parts table will open. There, click on the + button to add Arabic Parts. When finished, click the Done button.
  8. Click the Save button.

Editing existing Almutens

  1. Open the Almuten Designer.
  2. In the Almuten Editor window, expand the File menu and select the Open... menu option. The Almutens table will appear.
  3. Select an almuten you want to edit and click the Open button. The Almuten will be opened in the Almuten Editor window.
  4. Edit the Almuten and click the Save button.

Deleting existing Almutens

  1. Open the Almuten Designer.
  2. In the Almuten Editor window, expand the File menu and select the Open... menu option. The Almutens table will appear.
  3. Select an almuten you want to delete and click the red X button next to it. Note: you cannot delete any of the pre-defined almutens.

Using the Almutens

  1. Once you create and configure your almutents, you can use them by going to the Details/Almutens menu.

Points and Planets available for Almutens creation

The Map Themes Editor

The Map Themes Editor allows you to define themes and objects combinations for Astro*Carto*Graphy and Local Space maps.

To open the Map Themes Editor expand the Maps menu and select the Map Themes Editor... menu option.

Creating new Map Themes

  1. Open the Themes Editor.
  2. Enter Theme Name and optionally - its description.
  3. House Offset - decide whether to use house offset for calculating planets placements in houses.
  4. Selecting Planets/Objects:
    1. First, select the type (modifier) of the object:
      • Own position - the actual position of the object, planet, luminaries or Arabic part will be used.
      • Dispositor - the position of the dispositor of the selected object will be used.
      • 1st, 2nd, 3rd Triplicity rulers - rulers of the corresponding Triplicities (Trigons) will be used
      • Bound ruler - the ruler of the Term / Bound of the selected object
      • Face ruler - the ruler of the Face / Decanate of the selected planet
      • Antiscion - the antiscion point of the selected object.
      • Contra-Antiscion - the contra-antiscion point of the selected object.
    2. Then, select in which house the object / point must be present in order to be considered.
    3. Finally, drag planets and other available points that you want to use in this Map Theme from the Available Points table to the Selected Points table in the middle.
    4. To use Arabic Parts (Lots), click the Arabic Parts... button. The Arabic Parts table will open. There, click on the + button to add Arabic Parts. When finished, click the Done button.
    5. The Any (Own position) object type allows you to create a map theme where any object in the specified house will be shown on Maps.
    6. The Custom object type allows you to add any longitude and treat it as an object that is being projected on the map. To add a Custom object to your Map Theme, click on it, enter the desired longitude and then drag the Custom record to the leftmost table.
  5. Click the Save button.

Editing and Deleting Map Themes

Editing and deleting Map themes can be done the same way as for Almutens in the Almutens Designer module.
