Almutens Designer and Map Themes Editor
Almutens Designer
To open the
Almuten Designer, select the
Designer... menu option.
Creating new Almutens
- Open the Almuten Designer.
- Enter Almuten Name and optionally - almuten description.
- Use the Sect list-box to decide whether this
almuten will be applicable to only diurnal charts, only nocturnal
charts or to both.
- Select the Type of the Almuten:
- Based on Degree Dignities
- Based on the Almuten of Places. This option is used more often for
traditional almutens.
- House Offset - decide whether to use house offset
for calculating planets placements in houses.
- Use the left most Position/Score table to
configure the scoring rules for the Almuten.
- Selecting Planets/Objects:
- First, select the type (modifier) of the object:
- Own position - the actual position of the object, planet,
luminaries or Arabic part will be used.
- Dispositor - the position of the dispositor of the selected
object will be used.
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd Triplicity rulers - rulers of the corresponding
Triplicities (Trigons) will be used
- Bound ruler - the ruler of the Term / Bound of the selected
- Face ruler - the ruler of the Face / Decanate of the selected
- Antiscion - the antiscion point of the selected object.
- Contra-Antiscion - the contra-antiscion point of the selected
- Then, select in which house the object / point must be present in
order to be considered.
- Finally, drag planets and other available points that you want to
use for Almuten calculation from the Available Points
table to the Selected Points table in the middle.
- To use Arabic Parts (Lots), click the Arabic Parts...
button. The Arabic Parts table will open. There,
click on the + button to add Arabic Parts. When finished, click the
Done button.
- Click the Save button.
Editing existing Almutens
- Open the Almuten Designer.
- In the Almuten Editor window, expand the File
menu and select the Open... menu option. The Almutens
table will appear.
- Select an almuten you want to edit and click the Open
button. The Almuten will be opened in the Almuten Editor
- Edit the Almuten and click the Save button.
Deleting existing Almutens
- Open the Almuten Designer.
- In the Almuten Editor window, expand the File
menu and select the Open... menu option. The Almutens
table will appear.
- Select an almuten you want to delete and click the red X button next
to it. Note: you cannot delete any of
the pre-defined almutens.
Using the Almutens
- Once you create and configure your almutents, you can use them by
going to the Details/Almutens menu.
Points and Planets available for Almutens creation
- The Sun and the Moon.
- All traditional (visible) planets
- All major planets
- Major asteroids (Chiron, Pholus, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta)
- All unknown and hypothetical planets
- Uranian objects
- All House cusps
- Prenatal lunations (Moon Syzygy, Sun Syzygy, Elevated Syzygy,
Prenatal New Moon, Prenatal Full Moon, Prenatal Sun/Full Moon).
Map Themes Editor
The Map Themes Editor
allows you to define themes and objects combinations for
Astro*Carto*Graphy and Local Space maps.
To open the Map Themes
Editor expand the Maps menu and select the Map
Themes Editor... menu option.
Creating new Map Themes
- Open the Themes Editor.
- Enter Theme Name and optionally - its description.
- House Offset - decide whether to use house offset
for calculating planets placements in houses.
- Selecting Planets/Objects:
- First, select the type (modifier) of the object:
- Own position - the actual position of the object, planet,
luminaries or Arabic part will be used.
- Dispositor - the position of the dispositor of the selected
object will be used.
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd Triplicity rulers - rulers of the corresponding
Triplicities (Trigons) will be used
- Bound ruler - the ruler of the Term / Bound of the selected
- Face ruler - the ruler of the Face / Decanate of the selected
- Antiscion - the antiscion point of the selected object.
- Contra-Antiscion - the contra-antiscion point of the selected
- Then, select in which house the object / point must be present in
order to be considered.
- Finally, drag planets and other available points that you want to
use in this Map Theme from the Available Points
table to the Selected Points table in the middle.
- To use Arabic Parts (Lots), click the Arabic Parts...
button. The Arabic Parts table will open. There,
click on the + button to add Arabic Parts. When finished, click the
Done button.
- The Any (Own position) object type allows you
to create a map theme where any object in the specified house will
be shown on Maps.
- The Custom object type allows you to add any
longitude and treat it as an object that is being projected on the
map. To add a Custom object to your Map
Theme, click on it, enter the desired longitude and then
drag the Custom record to the leftmost table.
- Click the Save button.
Editing and Deleting Map Themes
Editing and deleting Map themes can
be done the same way as for Almutens in the Almutens
Designer module.
- The Almutens Editor/Almuten Designer is available in AstroApp Pro
and AstroApp Financial Gold
- The Map Themes Editor is available in AstroApp Pro and AstroApp Financial Gold Editions.