Time Lords: Aphesis (Zodiacal Releasing)

The Zodiacal Releasing (also known as Aphesis) is one of the most important Hellenistic time lord techniques.

To view the Zodiacal Releasing table of time lords for the current chart, open the Forecast/Time Lords menu and select the Zodiacal Releasing... menu option. The Zodiacal Releasing form will appear.

There, you can to select the Releaser (the starting point) which can be a Planet, Prenatal Lunation (SAN), the Part of Fortune or the Part of Spirit.
The Year value defines how 360 days annual periods will be converted to the actual calendar days. The most common practice is to use the 360 days conversion.
After setting all the required calculation parameters, click OK. The Zodiacal Releasing table will be shown.

The Zodiacal Releasing table contains the following information:

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