AstroApp APIs


AstroApp provides you with JavaScript APIs that can be used to add charting functionality to your web sites.
All you need to know is HTML and basic JavaScript. There is no need for any kind of server side coding (PHP, CGI and so on).

Note: AstroApp subscriptions to the Pro or Financial Gold editions allow integration with your personal web sites only (1 HTML page per subscription). If you would like to integrate the available functionality with commercial web sites, please contact AstroApp Team for licensing terms and conditions.

Obtaining your API access Key.

If you want to use AstroApp APIs, you should first generate your API Access Key.
  1. Select the Utilities/APIs... menu option.
  2. Provide URL for your web site in the following format: []. All the values listed below are also valid:
  3. Click the Generate Access Code button.
  4. Click the Save button.
You're all set.

Using your API access Key.

Use the following HTML snippet anywhere on your web site/web page: <iframe src="" width="1000" height="600"></iframe>

 All you need to do is to add the following line to your html page using the generated Access Code string:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

It's recommended to put this line in the <head> of your html page.
This will allow you to use AstroApp APIs on your web site.