Jaimini Astrology: Rasi Drishti
To calculate the
Rasi Drishti, please follow these steps:
- Open your chart.
- Navigate to the Traditions/Vedic/Graha Drishti/Rasi Drishti
Rasi Drishti table
Rasi Drishti table lists aspects between planets
based on the following rules:
- M - means the planet is aspected from a mutable sign
- D - means that the planet is aspected from the Dual sign
- F - indicates the planet being aspected from the Fixed sign.
Additional Features____________________________________________
- The Rasi Drishti table can be added to the
AstroScribe tool by launching the AstroScribe tool
and using the Append to AstroScribe button.
- The Rasi Drishti table is available in AstroApp Vedic, AstroApp Pro
and AstroApp Financial Gold