Advanced Transits Search

You can use the Advanced Transits Search form to search by multiple criteria, such as Position, Speed, Aspects, and so on. All criteria can be combined to produce a cumulative set of dates that match your search.

Working with the Advanced Search form

  1. To open the Advanced Transits Search form, go to the Research menu and select the Transits: Search... menu option.
  2. Select the type of criterion, for example - Position.
  3. Set your desired search parameters and click the <-Add button. This will add the Search Criterion to your list of Criteria.
  4. Repeat this by adding as many criteria as necessary.
  5. You can remove any of the added Criteria by clicking the red cross icon next to it.
  6. The Time Zone field defines the Time Zone of the output. So, for example, if you select UTC, the output will be produced in the UTC time zone.
  7. Click the Search button. The Events table will appear. This table will list all the dates that match your search criteria.

Search by Position

  1. In the Advanced Transits Search form, select the Position type (right-most table).
  2. Set the type of coordinates to use: Longitude, Latitude, RA, or Declination.
  3. In the Point list box, select your object.
  4. Set the value to search for.

Example: select Longitude coordinates, Sun object, 0.0 value to search for Sun ingresses in Aries.

Search by Speed

  1. In the Advanced Transits Search form, select the Speed type.
  2. Set the type of coordinates to use: Longitude, Latitude, RA, or Declination.
  3. In the Point list box, select your object.
  4. Set the Speed value to search for.

Example: select Longitude coordinates, Mercury object, 0.0 value to search for dates when Mercury is stationary (has 0 speed in longitude).

Search for Ingresses

  1. In the Advanced Transits Search form, select the "ingressing" point.
  2. Select the Ingresses type.
  3. Select the desired type of the Ingress: In Sign, in 13-Zodiac Sign, in Lunar Mansion.
    1. If In Sign or In 13 Signs Zodiac options are used, then select the Sign of the ingress.
    2. If the Lunar Mansion type is selected, then use the Lunar Mansions listbox to choose between the Lunar Mansions or Vedic Nakshatras and then your Zodiac.
    3. Set the lunar mansion or nakshatra number. This is the sequential number of the nakshatra/lunar mansion in which the selected point ingresses.

Search for Aspects

  1. In the Advanced Transits Search form, select the Aspects type.
  2. Set the points that must form an aspect (using the Point and Point 2 list boxes).
  3. Select the Aspect (conjunction, sextile, trine, etc).
  4. Select the Aspect Type: Any, Dexter aspects only, Sinister aspects only.
  5. Set the type of coordinates to use: Longitude, Latitude, RA, or Declination.

Example: select Longitude coordinates, set Point 1 to Mercury and Point 2 to Jupiter, and Conjunction Aspect. This search will produce dates when Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct.

Search for Aspected Points

  1. In the Advanced Transits Search form, select the Aspected Point type.
  2. Set the Object or Planet that must form an aspect.
  3. Set the coordinate value of the point that is being aspected by the planet.
  4. Select the Aspect (conjunction, sextile, trine, square, opposition, etc).
  5. Select the Aspect Type: Any, Dexter aspects only, Sinister aspects only.
  6. Set the type of coordinates to use: Longitude, Latitude, RA, or Declination.

Example: select Longitude coordinates, set Point 1 to Mercury and Point 2 to 30.0, and Sextile Aspect. This search will produce all dates when Mercury makes sextile aspect to 0 Taurus.

Search by Phase

  1. In the Advanced Transits Search form, select the Phase type.
  2. Select Planets that must form a Phase.
  3. Select the Phase.

Example: select the Sun and the Moon as your planets, select 1/2 phase. This search will return all the Full Moon dates.

Search by Planetary Hours and by Planetary Days

  1. In the Advanced Search form, select the Planetary Hours/Days type.
  2. Chose Planetary Hours or Planetary Days by selecting the corresponding value in the Planetary Hours/Days drop down.
  3. Select the Ruler of the Planetary Hour (or Planetary Day).
  4. Select one of the caldulation methods (Traditional Planetary Hours, Tibetan Hours, Vedic/Jyotish Hours).

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