I Ching: Planets
To view correspondences between I Ching hexagrams and planetary positions,
select the
Oriental/I Ching/Planets... menu.
In the
Planets form, select one of the methods to merge
planetary trigrams with Zodiac hexagrams:
- Above/Below horizon - the trigram of the planet will be merged with
the top part of hexagram of the signs and degrees if the planet is
above the horizon.
- Yan/Ying signs - the trigram of the planet will be merged with the
top part of the hexagram if the planet is in yan (masculine) sign.
- 1st/2nd half of sign - the trigram of the planet will be merged with
the top part of the hexagram if the planet is in the first 15 degrees
of the sign.
- Upper part of hexagram - the trigram of the planet will always be
merged with the top part of the hexagram (upper trigram).
- Lower part of hexagram - the trigram of the planet will always be
merged with the bottom part of the hexagram (lower trigram).