I Ching: Planets in Signs, Degrees, and Houses
Planets table shows the following information:
- Planet
- Trigram - trigram for that planet
- Degrees attribution:
- Hexagram - hexagram of the degree range the planet is in.
- Result - result of the trigram of the planet merge with the
hexagram of its degree.
- Sign:
- Sign - sign the planet is in
- Hexagram - hexagram of that sign.
- Result - result of the trigram of the planet merge with the
hexagram of the sign.
- House
- In House - the house the planet is in.
- Hexagram - hexagram of that house.
- Result - result of the trigram of the planet merge with the
hexagram of the house.
To view interpretations for the hexagrams:
- Select a planet (or simply click on the row the planet is in).
- Right mouse click and select the Interps menu
The Interpretations window will appear. You can also add Interpretation
texts to AstroScribe by clicking the Append to AstroScribe
Note: you can configure the way trigrams are assigned
planets, hexagrams are assigned to signs, houses and degrees from the
Settings window / Oriental tab
(from the Settings / Setting... menu).
Additional Features____________________________________________
- This table can also be added to the AstroScribe
(right mouse click and select Add, Add with
Title or Entire Table menus).