Deep Sky Astrology

The Deep Sky Astrology module allows you to access more than 7.25 million objects such as stars, clusters, nebulae, galaxies, supernovae, quasars, black holes, comet clouds, even extra-solar planets, etc.

Searching for distant objects and stars

  1. Select/cast your base chart
  2. Go to the Lists menu and select the Deep Sky/Deep Sky... option.
  3. Enter the name of the object. For example, if you want to search for Orion Nebula, enter 'Orion' or 'M42' in this field. To search for Andromeda Galaxy, enter 'M31' or 'Andromeda'. Searching for HD95086b will show a corresponding extrasolar planet (exoplanet) near the HD95086 star. Note: If you don't know the exact object name, please use this site to find out:
  4. Click OK.

If found, the object information will be shown in the Deep Sky window. Most of the objects will be shown with pictures.

Note: Unless an extrasolar planet had been discovered using the direct observation method, its host star or stars system will be shown in the picture window instead of the planet itself.

How to find correct object names

  1. Go to
  2. In the Choose one of the Info possibilities listbox select the "Related to words" value.
  3. In the Type in your words: box, type the name of the object you are looking for.
  4. Click the Submit INFO question button.
  5. Click on any of the Acronym links and look for the "in source" or "name" values. Those values are the official scientific names of the object. Use those names to search for objects in AstroApp.

How to find extrasolar planets
New extrasolar planets and planet candidates are being discovered regularly. AstroApp is being updated with the latest findings. The easiest way for you to look for planets is to use Wikipedia to get the names of such planets and then use those names in AstroApp Deep Sky module.
For instance, list of directly imaged extrasolar planets is available on Wiki:
There, you can see the planets' names in the Planet column. Select a planet you want to get details for, remove any blank spaces from its name and enter that name in AstroApp/Deep Sky/Name field.
So for the planet "HR 8799 e" the search name would be HR8799e .

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