Deep Sky Object Details
The following information is available for the
Deep Sky
- ID. This is astronomical ID or official nomenclature designation.
- Name. Name of the object. Note: not
all objects will have official names assigned so the field may
occasionally remain blank.
- Longitude. This is ecliptic longitude of the object.
- In Zodiac. This is object's position in Tropical Zodiac.
- Latitude: Latitude of the object.
- Type. This is the type of the object (such as fixed star, galaxy,
black hole, quasar, comet, clusters, supernovae, symbiotic stars,
gravitational lenses, radio source, starburst, blazars, extra-solar
planets/candidates, and so on).
- Image of the object will also be shown if available.
All the details about such objects can then be added to AstroScribe
reports by a single button click.