By navigating to the
Details/Dignities or
Details/Dignities Complete menu
options you can invoke the
Dignities window.
Dignities table
Dignities table contains the
following information:
- Planet.
- Longitude of the planet in Zodiac.
- Essential Dignities:
- Ruler. Rulership - the planet that rules the planet's zodiac sign.
- Exalt - Exaltation. The planet that is exalted in the planet's
zodiac sign.
- Tripl - triplicity ruler. The planet that is the sect Triplicity
ruler. Note: + will be shown if
there is a sect ruler match. If the Almuten Triplicity Ruler setting
is "All", then the essential dignities scoring will be calculated
based on all 3 triplicity rulers (to change that please use the
Settings/Settings menu / Dignities tab).
- Term (or bound). The planet that rules planet's bound.
- Face. The planet that rules the planet's face.
- Detr - Detriment. The planet that is in detriment in the planet's
zodiac sign.
- Fall. The planet that is in Fall in the planet's zodiac sign.
- Peregrine. This column will have a 'P' for planets that are
peregrine (have no essential dignities).
- Sum. This is the score of the planet based on the scoring method
specified in Settings/Settings
tab. Lilly's scoring method is the default setting. This score
includes results for both Essential and Accidental dignities.
- Accidental Dignities:
- Retro. This column will have 'R' for planets that are retrograde.
- Ori/Occ - oriental/occidental. This column will have 'ori' for
Oriental planets and 'occ' for Occidental planets.
- Sun. This column lists planets' proximity to the Sun. It will have
'cmb' for combust planets,
'usb' for planets that are Under
the Sun's beams, and 'caz' for planets in Cazimi.
- Almutem. Almutem (mubtazz)
is a planet that has the highest number of essential dignities at
the planet's degree.
Dignities Complete table
Dignities Complete table
lists additional Essential Dignities, Accidental Dignities, and degrees
placement details that are usually not included in the traditional
planetary strength evaluation.
This additional information includes:
- Monomoira. This is an ancient system of assigning planets rulership
to zodiac degrees (mentioned by Vettius Valens)
- Novenaria. This sign division is similar to navamshas
in Indian Astrology.
- Duodecima. This sign division is similar to dwadasamsas in Indian
- Lunar Mansion. The number of the Lunar mansion the planet is
currently in.
- Joy. Joy condition based on house placement (accidental dignity).
- Joy/S. Joy condition based on sign placement.
- Apogee Rel-ship. This is the Apogee Relationship. When the planet is
ascending (Asc) in the apogee it's decreasing in light, magnitude, and
course. When the planet is descending (Desc) in the apogee, it's
increasing in light and magnitude.
- Degrees:
- Sex - indicator of Female (F) or Male (M) degree that the planet
is in.
- Deg/Abu Mashar: degree quality according to Abu Ma'shar.
- Deg/alQabisi: degree quality according to al-Qabisi.
- Welled/Abu Mashar: welled degrees according to Abu Ma'shar.
- Welled/alQabisi: welled degrees according to al-Qabisi.
- Fortune/Abu Mashar: fortunate or degrees increasing fortune
according to Abu Ma'shar.
- Fortune/alQabisi: fortunate or degrees increasing fortune
according to al-Qabisi.
- Illness: degrees of chronic illness according to al-Qabisi.
- Azemene: deficient or "handicapped" degrees.
- The Dignities table is available in AstroApp
Free, AstroApp Traditional Basic, AstroApp Pro, and
Financial Gold Editions.
- The Dignities Complete table is available in AstroApp
Pro, and Financial Gold