Dodekatemoria is a traditional method of 12-part Zodiac division.
To view
Dodekatemoria according to Pauline, to Egyptian and to
Mundane calculation methods, open your base chart then select the
menu option. The
Dodecateomria table will show up.
This table contains planetary placements according to various methods of
Dodekatemoria calculation:
- Planet. This is the natal planet for which all the details are
- In Zodiac. This is the position of the planet in the traditional
Western Tropical Zodiac.
- Egyptian. This is the position of the planet in Egyptian
- Pauline. This is the position of the planet in Dodekatemoria
according to Pauline.
- Mundane. This is the position of the planet based on Mundane
Dodekatemoria method.
Additional Features____________________________________________
- You can add the Dodekatemoria table to AstroScribe:
launch the AstroScribe tool, right mouse click on the Dodekatemoria
table and select the Entire Table or other
appropriate options from the context menu.
- Dodekatemoria table is also available as a component in the
Page Designer (under the Traditional Objects
collapsible menu).
- The Dodekatemoria table is available in AstroApp Pro and AstroApp Financial Gold Editions.