Predictive Astrology: Diurnal Quadrants
Diurnal Quadrants is a medieval forecasting method
that is found in works of Bonatti and William Lilly.
To calculate the
Diurnal Quadrants please use this flow:
- Open or create your base chart
- Go to the Forecast/Diurnal Quadrants... menu.
- Select the Time Key method:
- Lilly
- Bonatti
- W. Döbereiner
- Select the Year length (default is the Tropical 365 days year). The
following options are available:
- Tropical (365)
- Bija Corrected
- Sidereal
- Egyptian/Hellenistic - the year length is 360 days
- Abu Ma'shar
- Masha'allah
- Click OK.
Diurnal Quadrants table will be opened.
The Diurnal Quadrants method is described in
Bonatti's Liber Astronomiae, part II under "The Division of
the Quarters of the Circle".
It's also described in William Lilly's Christian Astrology under
the "What part of his Life is like to be best"? section (First House
For further information, please refer to Clockwise and
Counter-Clockwise article by Meira B. Epstein
in The Mountain Astrologer issue #181 (June/July 2015).
- The Diurnal Quadrants functionality is available in AstroApp Pro
and AstroApp Financial Gold