Miscellaneous Chart details
To view the
Miscellaneous Chart Details
table, select the
Details/Misc. Details
menu option. The
Miscellaneous Chart
Details window will appear.
There, you can see the following information:
- Sect of the chart
- Final dispositor of the chart (if available)
- Lord of the Geniture (the most essentially and accidentally
dignified planet in the chart).
- Temperament. The Temperament calculation is based on John Frawley's
method. Note: the Temperament
calculation rules are based on John Frawley’s lectures and not on his
book The Real Astrology Applied.
The only difference is that in the book the qualities of the Lord of
the Ascendant are calculated separately from the Ascendant qualities,
while in the book both are combined.
- Syzygy - prenatal lunation.
- Type of the chart. The chart can be Preventional
(for Full Moon prenatal lunations) or Conjunctional
(for New Moon prenatal lunations).
- Void of Course Moon. If the Moon is Void
of Course it will be noted here.
- Moon's quarter. The number signifies one of the four Moon's
- Hyleg (according to Bonatti/Aomar).
- Alcocoden (Bonatti/Zoller).