Linear Transits

There are many types of Linear Transits you can generate with AstroApp, including classical Linear Transits, Financial astrology Price Transits, Currency Conversion Rates Research, and Facebook Status updates Transits.

Linear Transits

To view the Linear Transits, select the Forecast/Transits (Linear)... menu option.
Set your parameters:
Click OK.

Note: The Linear Transits map will be generated for the next 2 years starting from the beginning of the year for the selected Date and Time. The exact time for the selected date will be marked on the graph with the red vertical dash line.

The following types of Linear Transits are available:

Financial Astrology: Prices Transits

You can also analyze market volatility and superimpose stock prices on the Linear Transits graph.

  1. Open your base stock chart.
  2. Expand the Finance menu and select the Prices/Transits (Linear)... menu option.
  3. Set the start date and Zodiac Type.
  4. Set the modulus or leave it at 0 to ignore.
  5. Select the Market the stock is trading at.
  6. Enter the ticker for the stock you want to research.
  7. In the Price list box, select the Price type to use:
    1. Market Open 
    2. Market Close
    3. High for the day
    4. Low for the Day
    5. Average
    6. Adjusted
    7. Adjusted Average
    8. Volume - if you select this option, then the trading volume for the stock will be shown instead of the trading price.
  8. If you wish to research how astrology transits/astronomical events are impacting market volatility, select Yes in the Volatility list box.

The black line indicates stock price changes. The red line indicates the Market Volatility changes over the same period.

Financial Astrology: Currency Conversion Rates and Transits

You can research correlations between currency conversion rates and transits.
  1. Open your base stock chart.
  2. Expand the Finance menu and select the Currency Conversion/Transits (Linear)... menu option.
  3. Set the start date and Zodiac Type.
  4. Set the modulus or leave it at 0 to ignore.
  5. In the Price list box, select the Price type to use:
    1. Bid
    2. Ask
    3. Midpoint
  6. In the Currency 1 and Currency 2 lists, select the currency you want to convert between.
  7. Click OK. The currency conversion graph with transit correlations will be shown.

Facebook Status Updates and Transits Graph

To view your Facebook status updates along with the Linear Transits:
  1. Go to the Facebook menu and select the Status Updates/Transits... menu option.
  2. Select the Start Date. The transits are going to cover the 2-years period starting from that date.
  3. If you want to restrict Facebook Status search to only status messages with particular texts, use the Status containing text field.
  4. If you want to only show status messages that received X number of likes, enter the required value in the Number of likes field.
  5. Click OK.

The Linear Transits will be generated. All your status updates that match your filters (such as text or likes) will be shown on the Transits diagram.

Additional Features____________________________________________
