Financial Astrology: W.D. Gann Statistical Analysis
The Gann Statistical Analysis table shows statistical
correlations between stock prices fluctuations and planetary indicators.
To evaluate the correlations between
the trading prices and planetary indicators, select the Finance/Gann
Planetary Lines... menu.
Enter the required parameters for
your indicators. You can have multiple indicators calculated for any stock
When the stock chart opens, click the
Show Statistics button.
The Stats for Selected
window will come up. The table there will contain statistical correlations
between astrological indicators and stock prices. Higher the number,
greater the correlation. The value of 1 indicates the 100% statistical
correlation between an indicator and the stock price. And the opposite is
true - the closer the number to 0, the least statistically significant the
correlation is.
- The Gann Statistical Analysis module is available in the
AstroApp Financial Gold