Financial Astrology: Research

The Financial Research module allows you to research correlations between market performance and astrological events. You can perform research on individual stocks and on entire Portfolios. Before starting to work with the Financial Research module, make sure you have at least one Research Criterion defined and saved (Finance/Research/Criteria menu).

Financial Research:

  1. Select the Finance/Research/Research menu.
  2. Select the product type:
    1. Stock
    2. Commodity
    3. Currencies
  3. For individual stocks, make sure to select the Market the stock is trading at. This is not required for Portfolios.
  4. Enter the Ticker of the company you want to do your research for or select the Portfolio of stocks. Note: you can create Portfolios using the Finance/Portfolio screen.
  5. Configure your filters:
  6. Drag one or more Criteria from the Available Criteria table to the Selected Criteria table (from right to left).
  7. Click the Process button. The Price changes correlations will be shown in the form of a graph and a table. 0P means the precise date of events. Days -29 to -1 are the trading days before the events, days 1 to 29 are days after the event. The vertical axis shows the percentage of changes in the Close of Day prices.

Working with the Financial Research Results:

  1. You can save the Results for each Criterion by clicking the Save icon (leftmost cell for each row in the table).
  2. If you move your mouse over any day (cell) in the upper table, the Info window will appear showing the following information:
    1. Day number (trading day from the event)
    2. Up - how many times the price was up on that day.
    3. Down - how many times the price was down on that day.
    4. AER (Long) - Annualized Expected Return if long trading strategies are used.
    5. AER (Short) - Annualized Expected Return if shorting trading strategies are used.
  3. To quickly determine the price change between any trading days, click on the first day (the cell in the table that corresponds to that day) and then on the day you want to compare the prices to. The results will appear in the bottom of the screen next to the Done button. Day 1 is the first day you have clicked, Day 2 is the 2nd, and the Difference is the Price change between the two days expressed in %.
  4. To change the Chart type, right mouse click on the chart and use the Chart Type context menu to chose between Area, Column, Bar or line presentation.
  5. To save the Graph as an image, right mouse click on any empty (white) area of the chart and select the Save Image menu option.

Additional Features____________________________________________
