Vedic Astrology: Gochara (Lunar Houses Transits Details)
Moon Houses Transits table contains the following
- Planet. This is the transiting planet.
- In Zodiac. The planet's current position in Zodiac.
- House. The Lunar house the planet is currently transiting through.
- In House. The planet's position in the current Lunar house.
- Active Zone. The section of the house in which the transit gets
- Activated. Plus sign (+) indicates that the planet is in the active
zone, minus sign (-) indicates that the planet is outside of the
active zone.
- Vedha. Predictions for the transits may get weakened or completely
cancelled if planets occupy certain houses. The number in this column
indicates the house that prohibits fulfillment of the current transit
To view the interpretations for the Transits (Gochara):
- In the Moon Houses Transits table, right mouse click on
the row for the transit you want to get the interpretation text for.
- In the context menu, select the Interps option.
- The interpretation text for this star will appear. Please note that
you can add this text to your AstroScribe report by clicking the Append
to AstroScribe button.