Lord of the Orb
Lord of the Orb is a persian medieval time lord technique. It was
described by Abu Mashar and later by Diego de Torres.
In order to calculate the
Lords of the Orb go to the
Forecast/Time Lords/Lord of the Orb...
menu and select the following parameters:
- Planetary Sequence. This is the order in which planetary cycles
are going to follow each other. The following options are available:
- Single Cycle. After the first 12 years, the Lord of the Orb of
the first year becomes the Lord of the Orb again.
- Continuous Looping. Planetary hours sequence will be used for
the first 24 years.
- Year. This is the option to specify the Year duration. 365.25
year (Sidereal year) is used by default.
Lord of the Orb table contains the list of dates when
each period and sub-period starts and the ruling planet of that period (
the Period).
- Benjamin N. Dykes, Abu Ma'shar,
On The Revolutions of the Years of Nativities (Persian Nativities IV,
Cazimi Press, 2019)
- Diego de Torres, Manusript (15th century)