Planetary Cyclic Indexes Graph.
Planetary Cyclic Indexes graph and Barbault
Planetary Index graph display planetary indexes data. The vertical axis
represents index values, the horizontal axis contains dates.
- You can add the Planetary Cyclic Graph to AstroScribe
by clicking the Append to AstroScribe button.
- To change the Chart Type, right mouse click on the graph. The
following graph/chart types are available:
- Area
- Bar
- Column
- Doughnut
- Line (this is the default option)
- Pie
- Radar
- To change the Color Fill mode, right mouse click on the graph and
select the Filled or Unfilled menu options.
- The Planetary Cyclic Indexes graph is available in AstroApp
Pro and AstroApp
Financial Gold Editions.
- The Bradley Siderograph functionality
is included in the AstroApp
Financial Gold Edition.