Mundane Astrology: Database of Mundane Events

The Database of the World Events

To open the Database of the World Events, Expand the Traditions/Mundane menu and select the World Events Database menu option.
The database contains the following events:
  1. Inaugurations of all US presidents
  2. Horoscopes of Countries
  3. Horoscopes of the US States
  4. Horoscope of the major US Cities
  5. Horoscopes of significant events such as Wars, Battles, Revolutions, etc
  6. Horoscopes of Diplomatic relationships between the USA and other countries of the World
  7. Horoscopes of Historic Figures.
To select a particular subset of the horoscopes, expand the Type drop-down in the top right corner of the window and select the desired event type.
To preview a chart, simply click on it. The chart image will appear at the right side of the window.
To copy a chart into your account database, select the required chart and click the Right blue arrow. To remove the chart from your database, click the Left blue arrow. Once charts are moved to the right table, click the Copy / Save button.
The chart(s) will be copied to your database. You can find them by using the Charts/Open By Event Type/Mundane menu.

