Planetary Cycles
The Planetary Cycles table shows planetary
relationships with the Sun (Synodic cycles). The following information
is presented in the Planetary Cycles
- Base Planet (defaults to the Sun but can be changed to any planet).
- Planet forming a cycle event.
- Angle with the Sun (or the base planet).
- Exact Date of the cycle event
- Exact Time of the cycle event.
Additional Features____________________________________________
- You can create charts for the moment of the planetary cycle event.
Select an event and click the Create Chart button.
- The Planetary Cycles table can be added to the
AstroScribe tool by launching the AstroScribe tool
and using the Append to AstroScribe button.
- The Planetary Cycles table can be exported to PDF
(right-mouse click on it and select the PDF Export
option from the context menu).
- The Planetary Cycles functionality is available in AstroApp Pro
and AstroApp Financial Gold