13 Signs Zodiac: Planets Details
To view the
Planets Details in
the 13 Signs Zodiac for the current chart, go to the
Signs Zodiac/Planets Details menu. The
Details table will show up.
This table contains the following information:
- Planet. This is the natal planet for which all the details are
- In Zodiac. This is the planet's position in the regular 12 signs
- Long. This is ecliptic longitude of the planet in the 12 signs
- 13 Signs Zodiac. This is the sign of the 13-signs Zodiac the planet
is in.
- 13 Signs Long. This is the longitude of the planet in the 13-signs
- Relative Long. This is the relative longitude of the planet within
the sign of the 13-signs Zodiac. This value assumes that there are 13
equal signs in 360° circle.
- Retro. This column will show if the planet is in retrograde (R) or
stationary (S) motion.
- House: Planet's placement in the 13-Houses Bergian house system.
- In House: longitude in 13 Houses system (how far along the planet is
from the house cusp of its house in the Bergian house system).
Additional Features____________________________________________
- The 13 Signs Zodiac: Planets Details table can be
added to the AstroScribe tool by launching the AstroScribe
tool and using the Append to AstroScribe button.
- The 13 Signs Zodiac: Planets Details table is available
in AstroApp Pro and AstroApp Financial Gold Editions.