Primary Directions

To calculate Primary Directions, please follow these steps:
  1. Open an existing chart or create a new chart.
  2. Expand the Forecast/Directions menu and select the 'Primary Directions...' menu option. The Directions form will appear.
  3. Select the following:
    1. Direction Method. This is a required field. The following Direction methods are available:
      1. Placidus
      2. Campanus (under the pole)
      3. Regiomontanus (under the pole)
      4. Meridian
      5. Morinus
      6. Porphyry
      7. Alcabitius
      8. Equal Houses (ecliptic)
      9. Equal Houses (hour circle)
      10. Edmund Jones
      11. Along Ecliptic (typically used with Symbolic static time conversion keys).
    2. Time Key. This field is mandatory; the value you select will be used to convert arcs of directions to the actual dates when directions become operational. There are three types of time keys: Static, Symbolic, and Dynamic.
      1. Static time conversion keys:
        1. Ptolemey
        2. Naibod
        3. Cardano
      2. Dynamic time conversion keys:
        1. Placidus
        2. Simmonite
        3. Symbolic Solar Arc
        4. Ascendant Arc
        5. Vertical Arc
      3. Symbolic static time conversion keys:
        1. Symbolic Degree
        2. Symbolic Year
        3. Symbolic Month
        4. Symbolic Week
        5. Duodenary
        6. Sub-duodenary
        7. Quarterly
        8. Quinary
        9. Septenary
        10. Novenary
        11. Symbolic Moon
        12. Meyer's self-measure
    3. Type. Three types of Directions are available:
      1. In Mundo
      2. In Zodiaco (most commonly used)
      3. Field Plane
    4. Aspect Type. This field allows you to restrict calculations of aspects to Dexter or Sinister. By default directions for All Aspects will be calculated.
    5. Converse. This is a new-converse directions (modern definition of converse primaries). Three options are available: Show All directions, restrict to Direct or restrict to neo-converse directions only.
    6. Traditional Converse. If this check box is checked, the traditional converse primary directions will be shown. Please note that only converse events hits will be calculated.
    7. Parallax. Checking this option enables Lunar Parallax correction.
    8. Position: Apparent or True. By default apparent positions will be used as this is the generally used and preferred practice.
    9. Ignore Sig latitude. If you check this check box, then latitudes of Significators will be ignored.
    10. Ignore Promissor latitude. If this checkbox is checked, then latitudes of Promissors will be ignored.
    11. Add mundane parallels. If checked, mundane parallels will be calculated along with regular aspects. This option is only available for the In Mundo directions. The mundane parallels will be calculated along the MC axis.
    12. Add ASC axis parallels. If checked, mundane parallels for both MC axis and ASC axis will be calculated. This option is only available for the In Mundo directions and only if the 'Add mundane parallels' checkbox is checked.
    13. Limit Arc. This field allows you to restrict directions to only those that are less or equal to specified Arc (in degrees). Leave the value at 0 to ignore this and show all directions.
    14. Age above / below. These list boxes allow you to restrict directions dates to the specified native's age range. By default all directions for the age range older than 25 and younger than 50 years old will be calculated.
    15. Location.  The location information defaults to the base chart's location. If you would like to calculate relocated directions, then you should change the Location accordingly.
  4. Click OK. The list of Directions will be shown in the Primary Directions table. This table displays the following information:
    1. Promissor.
    2. Con. This column shows C-> for Converse directions and D-> for regular directions.
    3. Aspect. This column displays the aspect between the Promissor and the Significator. Note: you can configure the list of aspects.

Primary Directions to Fixed Stars

To add directions to Fixed Stars:

  1. Select the Fixed Stars tab (3rd tab after Chart Data and Map).
  2. Select stars you want to use. To select multiple stars hold the Ctrl key.
  3. Go back to the Charts Data tab.
  4. Set your calculation parameters.
  5. Click OK.

Additional Features____________________________________________
