
To open the Settings window, select the Settings/Settings menu option.

The Settings window contains various tabbed panels that group all the available settings options into the following categories:

  1. Dignities
  2. Localization
  3. Calculations
  4. Image
  5. Aspects
  6. Aspects2
  7. Planets
  8. Arabic parts
  9. Colors
  10. Oriental
  11. Privacy

Dignities tab

This panel allows you to configure rules for Dignities calculations:
    1. Rulership systems:
      1. Traditional
      2. Modern
      3. Esoteric
      4. Hierarchical.
    2. Exaltation system:
      1. Traditional
      2. Modern
      3. AstroDynes/Cosmodynes.
    3. Triplicity rulership systems (Dorothean and Ptolemey).
    4. Scoring and Almutem (mubtazz) calculation rules:
      1. Lilly scoring system (5 points added for rulership, 4 for exaltation, 3 for triplicity, 2 for term or bound, 1 for face)
      2. Medieval - based on Bonatti. 1 point is awarded for each dignity position.
      3. Chris Warnock. Rules used by Christopher Warnock in his Magic and Election classes. Only essential dignities are used for scoring, peregrine planets are always given the score of 0.
      4. Ptolemy
      5. Mashallah
    5. Almutem Triplicity rulers calculations:
      1. All - all rulers for a given triplicity will be used in calculations
      2. Sect - rulers are used based on the chart's sect (diurnal rulers for diurnal charts and nocturnal rulers for nocturnal charts).
    6. Decans (Classical or Chaldean).
    7. Terms/Bounds:
      • Egyptian
      • Valens
      • Chaldean
      • Ptolemaic
      • Iberian (Ptolemaic version found in some Iberian sources).
    8. Combustion rules:
      • Anywhere (default) - this is the default option, it will consider combustion condition based on the distance between the planet and the Sun.
      • Not in different signs - this option will calculate combustion conditions only if the planet and the Sun share the same sign (in the traditional 12 signs Zodiac).
    9. Peregrine rules:
      • No Dignities - the planet will be considered peregrine if it does not have any essential dignities.
      • No Dignities/Debilities - the planet will be considered peregrine if it does not have any essential dignities and also does not have any essential debilities (Fall or Detriment conditions).
    10. Moon void of Course (VOC) rules:
      • Medieval: Medieval / Renaissance rules - the Moon is void if not forming a ptolemaic aspect before leaving the sign.
      • Lilly / Bonatti - according to William Lilly with Bonatti's 146 Considerations exceptions.
      • Lilly - according to William Lilly
      • Hellenistic (30 degrees, based on Dorotheus, Antiochus, Firmicus)
      • Hellenistic Rhetorius (no aspects within orb)
      • Modern: same as Medieval rules but with modern planets included
      • Lunar Motion: 13 degrees orb with traditional planets only
      • Lunar Motion/Modern: 13 degrees orb with traditional and modern planets.

Localization and Security

You can customize your Locale settings, such as:

Note: any changes made in this tab will be available next time you log in to AstroApp.




This screen allows you to customize the following aspects settings:

You can also add your own aspects. Please note that after changing any settings here you may need to redraw your existing charts.

Aspects 2

This screen allows you to customize the following aspects settings:

In the Aspects Highlighting area you can customize the way aspects are shown in most of the wheel styles and art wheels:
    1. None. This option will avoid highlighting.
    2. Partile Aspects. Only partile aspects will be highlighted.
    3. By relative orb tightness. Aspect lines will appear thicker proportionally to the tightness of the aspect angle.

Note: changing any of the aspects highlighting settings will require you to log out and log back in or simply reloading AstroApp in your browser. Some of the changes will not be available in certain wheel styles (Moon Aspects/Horary style, French and Zodiac Circle styles and certain Art Wheels).


Here you can set the following properties for planets:

Arabic Parts

Using this screen, you can add, edit or remove your own Arabic parts. Note: predefined Arabic parts are shared by all the users and therefore cannot be modified.


This tab allows you to set default colors for Zodiac Signs glyphs, for House cusps numbers, and also specify the default color for charts background.

Additionally, you can customize the entire "Look and Feel" of AstroApp. There are 18 versions of AstroApp UI that you can choose from.

To change the UI of AstroApp, select one of the options in the "Look and Feel" list box, click OK and then reload AstroApp in your browser. You can also click on the magnifier button to preview the UI before changing it.


Note: any changes you make in this tab will only be applicable to the Oriental Edition of AstroApp.


How to work with the Settings tables:

All setting tables will save your changes automatically as soon as you navigate to the next row. For example, if you edit the settings for the Moon, you can click on any row (Sun, Mercury, Venus, etc) to save the changes done to the Moon's row.

Note: depending on your browser configuration in order for new settings to take effect, you may need to log out and then log in back again after applying the changes.

Note: in order to apply the new settings such as colors or aspect orbs to the previously calculated charts, please follow these steps:
  1. Select a chart you wish to re-calculate either from the File/Open window or from any of the charts in the current session.
  2. Click on the Redraw button. The button is located in the left pane below the Chart Details section.
