- Open the Research menu and select the Charts
Group Stats... menu option.
- Drag currently available charts from the top table to the bottom and
click OK.
- Select the criteria you want to use to analyze this set of charts
and click the Right blue arrow (or simply drag those criteria to the
right table).
- Click the Analysis button.
The table with analysis results will be shown.
Values in green signify the most
frequent occurrences, values in red -
least common ones or the ones that never occur.
Clicking on the Graph button for each criterion will
open the Graph. The Analysis Graph displays data for
the selected criterion along with standard deviations below and above
the mean (blue lines) and statically expected values (green line).
The Group Analysis functionality is also
available from the Advanced Search Results screen:
- Open the Research/Advanced Search window.
- Select search criteria and search for the charts.
- In the Search Results window, click the Group
Analysis button.
- You will be presented with the list of available Criteria.
Select the desired Criteria and click the Analysis
The same table with analysis results will come up.
Additional Features____________________________________________
- You can add the Group Results table to
AstroScribe by clicking the Append to AstroScribe
- The Group Results table can also be
exported to PDF (right mouse click on the table and select the PDF
Export context menu option).
- The Astro Research module is available in AstroApp Pro
and AstroApp Financial Gold