Common Problems and Solutions
Missing Images.
Any time you see that the chart image is missing or incorrect or stale,
click the Redraw button. In most of the cases this should solve the
Issues with Log in and with unresponsive
If you are using anti-malware software, it may occasionally block your
login or prevent AstroApp from functioning correctly.
Old versions of the following anti-malware software are known to cause
problems on some systems: CSAM, MessageLabs.
TimeOut on Firefox 14+.
Firefox browser may give you time out errors if you are using the
FireBug or similar plug-ins and add-ons. Running FireBug on any
version of Firefox is not supported.
Clicking "GO" buttons instead of
OK/Done buttons on some mobile devices does not close the form or does
not produce the expected results.
Some of the mobile devices (such as iPads) have a special "Go" button
that comes up each time you open a form. We strongly recommend using
AstroApp buttons instead of such "Go" buttons.
Premium features are disabled immediately
after the upgrade from Free to a Paid membership.
If you launch AstroApp as a free user and then upgrade your membership,
please make sure to log off from the AstroApp window, reopen the
browser and log in again.
AstroApp will recognize you as a Premium member after your first log in.
Modern Astrology features do not work
after upgrading from the Traditional Basic Edition.
Traditional Basic edition disables Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto since
they’re not used in traditional practice.
Upgrades from Edition to Edition always keep User Settings intact and so
if you are upgrading from Traditional Basic to any other Edition, you
would need to go to the Settings/Settings menu, then to the Planets tab
and enable the outer planets. This is only required for some of the Modern
features such as Astrodynes.