Table of Transits and Progressions

Table of Transits

To view the Transits List for the current chart, go to the Forecast menu and select the Transits List... menu option. The Transits List form will open.
Select the desired parameters and click OK. The Transits Lists table will come up.

The Transits List Table contains the following information:
  1. Transit: this is the transiting planet.
  2. Dynamic: dynamic aspect made by the transiting planet to the natal planet.
  3. Natal or Transit 2: this is either a natal planet in case of 'Natal to Transit' type, or Natal House Cusp in case of the 'Transit to House Cusps' type, or the transiting planet (if the 'Transit to Transit' option was selected).
  4. Natal Aspect: if the current planets' pair also forms an aspect in the natal chart, then this aspect will be shown here.
  5. Start: this is the date when the transit enters the aspect orb or planets' moety.
  6. Exact: the date of the exact aspect.
  7. 2nd Exact: the second date of the exact aspect. This may happen in case if one of the planets changes its motion from retrograde to direct or vise versa.
  8. End: the date when the transiting planet leaves the aspect orb or moety.
  9. Exact Pos: the zodiacal position of the transiting planet at the time of the first exact aspect.

Table of Progressions

To view the Progressions listing, go to the Forecast menu and select the Progressions (Lists)... menu option.
Set the required parameters and click OK.
The Progressions table will come up. It will list Progression events, planets and objects forming aspects and progression hits, exact dates and positions and also start/end dates (when available).