Planet-Centered and Asteroid-Centered Charts
Planet Chart is a chart centered
on a selected planet or an asteroid. This concept is similar to
Heliocentric charts.
Planet-Centered Charts
To generate the Planet-Centered chart, select your
base chart and follow these steps:
- Expand the Traditions/Modern menu and select the Planet-Centered...
menu option.
- In the Planet-Centered form, select the planet you
want to use as your center. Selecting Sun will result in Heliocentric
chart calculation.
- Click OK. The Planet-Centered chart
will be shown in the main pane.
Asteroid-Centered Charts
You can calculate A
steroid-Centered charts for any of the
available 100,000+ asteroids. Here is the way to do it:
- Select your base chart.
- Go to the Lists/Asteroid Search... menu.
- Enter the name of the asteroid and click OK.
- In the Asteroids table, select the asteroid you
want to use as your center planet and click the Asteroid-Centered
- The Asteroid-Centered chart will appear in the main pane.