Planet-Centered and Asteroid-Centered Charts

Planet Chart is a chart centered on a selected planet or an asteroid. This concept is similar to Heliocentric charts.

Planet-Centered Charts

 To generate the Planet-Centered chart, select your base chart and follow these steps:

  1. Expand the Traditions/Modern menu and select the Planet-Centered... menu option.
  2. In the Planet-Centered form, select the planet you want to use as your center. Selecting Sun will result in Heliocentric chart calculation.
  3. Click OK. The Planet-Centered chart will be shown in the main pane.

Asteroid-Centered Charts

You can calculate Asteroid-Centered charts for any of the available 100,000+ asteroids. Here is the way to do it:
  1. Select your base chart.
  2. Go to the Lists/Asteroid Search... menu.
  3. Enter the name of the asteroid and click OK.
  4. In the Asteroids table, select the asteroid you want to use as your center planet and click the Asteroid-Centered button.
  5. The Asteroid-Centered chart will appear in the main pane.