Dignities and Planetary Relationships in Jyotish

Natural Relationships

To view the Natural Planetary Relationship table:
  1. Open your base chart.
  2. Expand the Traditions/Vedic/Planetary Relationships menu and select the Natural menu option.

The Natural Planetary Relationship table shows natural relationships of planets in all Vargas.

Temporary Relationships

To view the Temporary Planetary Relationship table:
  1. Open your base chart.
  2. Expand the Traditions/Vedic/Planetary Relationships menu and select the Temporary menu option.

The Temporary Planetary Relationship table shows natural relationships of planets in all Vargas.

Vedic Planetary Dignities

To view the Vedic Planetary Dignities table:
  1. Open your base chart.
  2. Expand the Traditions/Vedic/Planetary Relationships menu and select the Dignities menu option.

The Vedic Dignities table shows traditional dignities of all planets in all Varga charts.

Vedic Composite (Complete) Dignities

To view the Combined Vedic Dignities table:
  1. Open your base chart.
  2. Expand the Traditions/Vedic/Planetary Relationships menu and select the Dignities Complete menu option.

The Vedic Dignities Complete table shows traditional dignities combined with both Natural and Temporary relationship status of all planets in all Varga charts.

Additional Features____________________________________________
