Chart Analysis and Vedic Yogas

Chart Analysis.

To analyze a chart:
  1. Open a chart or create a new chart. This is your base chart.
  2. Select the Research/Analysis... menu. The list of all saved Search Criteria will come up.
  3. Select one or more criteria you want to check and click the Open button.
  4. The Results window will appear. The Results table will show all found criteria that are present in the currently selected chart.

Vedic Astrology: Yogas and Important combinations.

To view all Yogas for the current chart, please follow these steps:
  1. Open a chart or create a new chart. This is your base chart.
  2. Go to the Traditions/Vedic menu and select the Yoga menu option.

The Yoga table will come up. The table displays all yogas found in the current chart. There are more than 110 pre-defined yogas. Additionally, you can define your own Yogas by using the Vedic Yogas Editor (Utilities/Yoga Editor menu).

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