Aspects to House Cusps
House Cusps Aspects
To view all aspects that planets make to house cusps:
- Open a chart or create a new
chart. This is your base chart.
- Expand the Details/Aspects menu and select the Aspects/House
Cusps... menu option. The Aspects/House Cusps
table will come up.
The table displays aspects between planets and house cusps. For each
aspect it shows:
- Aspect symbol
- Degree and minute to the exact aspect
- A indicates applying aspects and S -
separating aspects.
Additional Features____________________________________________
- You can add the Aspects to House Cusps table to
the AstroScribe by clicking the Append to AstroScribe
- The Aspects to House Cusps table can
also be exported to PDF (right mouse click on the table and select the
PDF Export context menu option).
- The House Cusps Aspects module is available
in AstroApp
Pro and AstroApp
Financial Gold Editions.