Transits Animation

Natal Chart / Transits Animation

To animate transits, please open the base chart and then navigate to the Forecast/Animation... menu. The Animation window will come up.Note: please make sure that your browser is not blocking pop-ups for the domain.

Set the following parameters:

Note 1: Changes to the Rate, Zodiac, and Speed fields take effect after you click Run or Pause/Resume.

Note 2: Changes to the Date field goes into effect after you click the Run button.

Returns Animation

  1. In the main window, open a chart or create a new chart.
  2. Expand the Forecast menu and select the 'Returns: Animation...' menu option. The Returns form will appear.
  3. Set the desired calculation parameters for your returns.
  4. Click the Animation button. The Animation window will appear.
  5. You can change the Speed and Zodiac. Manual date field changes will not have any effect since calculations are based on Return dates (according to calculation parameters set in the Returns form). The date will change automatically as animation progresses through the series of Returns.
