House Cusps Details and Almutems of the Houses
Houses Almutems table
To calculate
Almutems for all the
Houses, expand the
menu and select the
House Almutems
menu option.
Houses Almutems table
contains the following information:
- House Number.
- Almutem. Almutem (mubtazz)
is a planet that has the highest number of essential dignities at the
planet's degree.
Note: Almutems
calculations are done
based on the user settings specified in the
Settings/Settings menu/Dignities
Houses Cusps Details table
view all the details for house cusps,
expand the
menu and select the
House Cusps
menu option.
Houses Cusps table
contains the following information:
- House Number.
- Ruler. This is the ruler of the sign the house cusp is in.
- Exalt. Exaltation ruler of the house cusp.
- Tripl1 - Trip 3. Triplicity rulers (sect, out of sect,
- Term
- Face
- Detr. Detriment planet of the house cusp's sign.
- Fall
- Almutem. Almutem (mubtazz)
is a planet that has the highest number of essential dignities at the
planet's degree.
- Lunar Mansion. The tropical Lunar Mansion the cusp is in.
- Monomoira
- Novenatria
- Duodecima
- Sex. Sex of the degree the cusp is in.
- Fortune. Fortune indicator of the degree the cusp is in (according
to Abu Ma'shar)
- Illness. Illness degrees
- Azemene. Azemene degrees.
- RA. Right Ascension values for the angles (ASC, MC, IC, DESC).
Additional Features____________________________________________
- You can add the House Almutems and House Cusps tables to AstroScribe:
launch the AstroScribe tool, right mouse click on the House
Cusps table and select the Entire Table
or other appropriate options from the context menu.
- Both House Cusps Details and House Almutens
tables are available as components in the Page Designer (House
Cusps can be found under the General Objects
collapsible menu and House Almutens - under the Traditional
Objects collapsible menu).
- House Almutens table is available in AstroApp Traditional Basic.
In AstroApp Pro and AstroApp Financial Gold Editions
it's available as a part of the House Cusps table and as a
standalone Page Designer component.
- House Cusps table is available in AstroApp Pro and AstroApp Financial Gold Editions.