Monthly Division Charts

Monthly Division Chart is a derived chart, so in order to calculate it you will need to cast the base chart first. The Solar Return for the base chart will be used as a starting point for the Monthly Division dates calculation.

Calculating Monthly Division Dates

To calculate dates for the upcoming Monthly Divisions, please follow these steps:
  1. Open an existing chart or create a new chart.
  2. Expand the Forecast menu and select the 'Monthly Divisions...' menu option. The Monthly Divisions form will appear.
  3. Select the Type of Monthly Division. The following types are available:
    1. Full Moon. 12 Full Moons after the selected nearest Solar Return (Robert Zoller / medieval technique).
    2. Lunar Revolutions. Lunar Returns for the year starting from the Solar Return date.
    3. 13 Monthly Profections. Thirteen monthly profections starting from the Solar Return date according to Lucas Gauricus method.
    4. 12 Monthly Profections. Twelve monthly profections starting from the nearest Solar Return date.
    5. Monthly Returns. Dates of the Sun's transit over the same degree in each of the signs following its natal Sign. This is another method of Lucas Gauricus.
  4. Select the Date from which the Monthly Division calculation will start. This will be the date of the nearest Solar return.
  5. Click OK. The Monthly Divisions table will appear. It will list the next 12 or 13 dates of Monthly Divisions based on the dates and the type of the calculation selected.

Monthly Division Charts

In order to generate a chart for the Monthly Division event, follow the steps above first to calculate the list of the dates.
Once the Monthly Divisions table appears, double click on any of the dates in the table. The Monthly Division chart for the selected date will be generated and will appear in the main tab.