Equilibrium or Superimposed Charts

Equilibrium charts are charts where a Planet is based on a certain point of the base chart, and other objects in the chart are adjusted accordingly. Typically the Sun will be placed on the Ascendant.

Equilibrium Chart is a derived chart, so in order to calculate it you will need to cast the base chart first.

To generate a new Equilibrium Chart, follow these steps:
  1. Open a chart or create a new chart.
  2. Expand the Traditions/Modern menu and select the 'Equilibrium/Superimposed...' menu option. The Superimposed Chart form will appear.
  3. Select the Planet you want to put on a point of the base chart.
  4. Select the Point on which the Planet will be placed.
  5. Optionally, check the Shift Houses checkbox if you want house cusps to be recalculated along with the planets.
  6. Click OK. The Equlibrium or Superimposed chart will be shown in the main pane in a new tab.