AstroApp: New Release!

And we are very excited to announce a new release of AstroApp!

Major new features:
  • UI enhancements: smartphone UI improvements, 6 new UI skins
  • New interpretation reports (Natal, Solar Returns, 13 Signs)
  • 13 Signs Astrology: multiple new features
  • Completely re-worked Time Lords and Dashas modules
  • Financial Astrology: Upcoming IPOs Scanner
  • APIs white-labeling and branding

New Features in each Edition:

AstroApp Pro and Financial Gold Editions:

1. Mobile UI improvements: inline forms, mobile-style hamburger menus, adaptive screens and more. Ability to use modern mobile UI on desktop/laptop devices.
2. 6 New UI skins (color schemes) including Magenta, Obsidian, Stratus, Shiva.
3. Interpretation reports:
3.1. Ready-to-print Natal Report by Kitty Bonny
3.2. Solar Return and Natal Reports by Abigail Craig (evolutionary astrology)
3.3. Planets and planetoids interpretations in 13 Signs and houses: Reports in English and Spanish by Pedro de Damborenea
4. Ability to add stars, planetoids, and dark planets to customizable object sets.
5.13 Signs Astrology:
5.1. Planets in 13 houses interpretation report - updated / reworked
5.2. New Rainbow style for 13 Houses systems
5.3. New 13 house system. AstroApp now supports 3 13 house systems
5.4. New 13 Signs Zodiac calculation method according to Pedro Damborenea
5.5. Multi-wheel charts support for 13 Signs Zodiac
5.6. Ability to search charts based on planets placements in 13 houses
5.7. Interpretation Reports Editor: ability to create user-defined interpretations for objects in 13 houses
5.8. Transit Searches can now show search results using 13 Signs Zodiac positions
6. Interactive Tutorials.
7. Election modules updates:
7.1. Election Timeline: ability to include/exclude weekends and any week days
7.2. Election/Rectification module: ability to elect times for specified planets' positions
8. Chart image: single-click interpretations.
9. Point Explorer will now show Sabian symbols interpretations
10. Star Aspects table: simplified access to inline interpretations
11. Advanced Search enhancements:
11.1. Ability to search charts by Planetary Hours and Planetary Days
11.2. Ability to search charts by Lunar days (Traditional, Tibetan and Vedic methods)
11.3. Ability to search charts by week days
11.4. 13 House systems: house placement searches
12. By popular demand: the ability to use decimal format for geographical longitudes and latitudes when creating new charts
13. Antiscion table now supports asteroids and special objects and can present data in text and glyph formats
14. Solar Arcs table: support for SA planets, house cusps, various special objects and dispositors/rulers.
15. Arabic Parts editor: Ability to use modern planets, asteroids and special objects to create customer Arabic Parts
16. Ability to filter Arabic Parts by names
17. Option to invert charts (for Southern Hemisphere)
18. Time Lords and Vedic Dashas:
18.1. Time Lord and Dashas sub-period trees. Ability to drill down to sub-periods up to 8 levels
18.2. New Hellenistic Chronochrators system: 9 Years of the Moon
18.3. Decennials: 2 methods of the 3rd level days calculations added
18.4. Losing of Bond data added to the Zodiacal Releasing Chronochrators trees
18.5. Quarters of the Moon tree will now show cycle numbers
18.6. Balbillus method: ability to calculate time lords from multiple releasers
18.7. Ability to export Time Lord trees to MS Excel
18.8. New Timelords view: linear timelines
18.9. Ability to add sub-period to the chart events database
20. Time Zone updates, including recent Mexico DST changes, new South American time zones and more.

election search year view event election search week view
geomancy house chart geomancy shield chart
 ui magenta  ui obsidian


AstroApp API Edition:

1. White label and custom branding support added to JavaScript and REST APIs.
2. Various performance and error handling improvements

Financial Gold Edition:
1. Advanced Searches / scans of the upcoming (planned) IPOs
2. Companies and first trade charts database updates: more than 100 companies and first trade charts added.

AstroApp: New Release!

And we are very excited to announce a new release of AstroApp!

Major new features:
•    Geomancy
•    Advanced Elections Scanner
•    Custom Objects sets
•    Financial Astrology: Earnings Calendar Scanner
•    New APIs

New Features in each Edition:

AstroApp Pro and Financial Gold Editions:

1. Geomancy module. Geomancy Shield and House charts.
2. Advanced Election Searches:

2.1. Hundreds of election criteria
2.2. Ability to create complex election search formulas
2.3. Ability to save, reuse, rate election search criteria
2.4. Multiple Timeline results views.
3. Custom Object Sets:
3.1. Ability to create custom object sets and customize objects appearance in charts and tables
3.2. Ability to add any of the 100,000+ asteroids and planetoids to charts, tables and other AstroApp modules
4. Mundane Astrology: Mean Conjunctions. multiple Arabic and Persian methods including Noufid Khalid, Kushyar, Abu Ma'shar, Masha'allah, Ridwan Efendi Ibn Al-Shatir and others.
5. Galactic Zodiac, Galactic Chart Type
6. 13 Signs Astrology: updated interpretation reports

election search year view event election search week view
geomancy house chart geomancy shield chart


AstroApp API Edition:

1. Ingresses API. Ability to add Ingresses data to your web sites and mobile apps.
2. Moon Conditions API. API provides data on Moon's placement in Zodiac, Lunar Mansions and Nakshatras; information on current and upcoming phases; Void of Course conditions, etc.

Financial Gold Edition:
1. Advanced Searches / scans of the upcoming Quarterly Results Announcements
2. Companies and first trade charts database updates.
3. New Video Tutorials by Bill Meridian.

* We are looking for authors of interpretation reports and for translators.
  If you're interested, please drop us a note at
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