Software de Astrología en línea


AstroApp es el primer programa de Astrología basado en la red.

AstroApp contiene todas las funciones de un Programa de Astrología. Avanzada y está disponible en la red. No necesitas preocuparte sobre respaldos, parches, instalación, actualizaciones o configurar tu computadora. No hay necesidad de seguir moviendo tus bases de datos cada vez que compras una computadora personal, portátil, Mac o iPad. ¡Todo lo que requieres para correr AstroApp es pasión por la astrología y tu navegador en la red!
AstroApp ofrece una amplio rango de funciones excitantes no encontradas en ninguna otra parte. Aquellos que practiquen Astrología Medieval apreciarán los algoritmos de magia medieval, Distribuciones, Profecciones y 11 tipos de Direcciones Primarias. Cartas de crisis y proyecciones anatómicas disponibles en el módulo de Astrología Médica.
La escuela Mesoamericana de astrología está representada por los Horóscopos Planetarios Mayas. Astrólogos Modernos disfrutarán funciones como las cartas de sección aurea, cartas de persona así como detalles de 100,000 asteroideas y más.
Con AstroApp solo te suscribes para membresía Gratis o Premium y siempre puedes renovar o terminar tu suscripción en cualquier momento. Dado que AstroApp está enteramente basado en la red, puedes correrlo en tu Mac (iMac, MacBook y más), iPad, PC y en casi cualquier dispositivo que está conectado a internet

Other Features

  • Facebook App

    AstroApp is available as a Facebook app on both Facebook standard and Mobile platforms.

    To install AstroApp on Facebook, log in to your Facebook account and search for AstroApp or go to AstroApp Home on Facebook:

    When using the Facebook version of AstroApp you can do the following:
    1. Share your charts
    2. Post your charts to your timeline and to your Photo Album
    3. Generate Linear Transits with your status posts
    4. Create charts of your friends
    5. Use your Facebook photos and pictures as chart backgrounds
    6. Invite Facebook friends


    AstroApp on Facebook Friends Charts
    facebook astroapp1 facebook friends charts
    Friends Charts Table Facebook Photos
    facebook friends charts table facebook photos
    Status Updates and Transits
    facebook status transits  facebook bg photo2


  • Charts Management

    New Chart
    new chart
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Charts Database
    charts database
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Charts Background
    proportional flower
    Click Image to Enlarge
    You can create new charts, edit existing charts, and import charts from other astrological programs.

    You can change background for your charts to any picture or your favorite photo. 


  • Events Manager

    Events Manager allows you to combine events from a multitude of predictive techniques to analyze native's life patterns.

    • Ability to save and manage forecast charts (Returns Progressions, Ingresses, Solar Arcs, Transits, etc).
    • Ability to add events from all the predictive hit lists such as Primary Directions, Progressions, Transits, from All Time Lords events, from Profections, Rudhyar Ages, Huber Age point aspects, and so on.
     Managing Events
    events list
    List of Life Events
    events list zoomed 


  • Appointments Calendar

    appointments calendar
    Click Image to Enlarge


  • Clients Management System

    clients mgmt
    Click Image to Enlarge
    • Comprehensive Clients Management System.
    • Skype Integration.
    • Ability to share reports and session notes with clients in real time.
    • Ability to create and add the Clients Portal to your personal web site

  • 3D Animation

    Ecliptic in 3D 3D Zodiac
    3D ecliptic 3D Zodiac 
    Click Image to Enlarge Click Image to Enlarge


  • Astro Calendar

    Astro Calendar  
    astro calendar  
    Click Image to Enlarge  


  • Timeline

    timeline view transits  
    Click Image to Enlarge  


  • Ephemeris

    Ephemeris Table
    Click Image to Enlarge 
     Ephemeris Generator:


  • Points Explorer

    The Points Explorer tool allows you to get detailed information about any point of Zodiac. Points Explorer data include:

    • Position in Equatorial and Horizontal coordinates systems
    • Position in Sidereal, Galactic, and 13 Signs Zodiac
    • Traditional Dignities (dispositor, exaltation, Triplicity rulers, Term/Boud, Face, Fall, Detriment).
    • Lunar Mansion
    • Traditional degrees (sex, fortune, azemene, illness, and others)
    • All aspects
    • Midpoints
    • Harmonics

    Ability to invoke Points Explorer with a single click from various modules such as Planetary and House cusps listings, Fictitious Planets Listings, Deep Sky module, etc