Events Search Results

When called from the Forecast/Events Search... menu, the Events Search Results table contains the following events:
  1. Station in Long - the moment when the planet goes from Direct to Retrograge motion or vise versa.
  2. Station in Lat - the moment when the planet's speed in latitude equals to 0.
  3. Aspect - the moment when the planet reaches the exact aspect with the second planet.
  4. Aspect RA - the moment when the planet reaches the exact aspect with the second planet in Right Ascension (RA). This may be useful for true spherical aspects and for Primary direction work.
  5. Parallel - the moment when the planet reaches parallel aspect in latitude with the second planet.
  6. 0 Lat - time when the planet's latitude is equal to 0 degrees.
  7. || in Declination - the moment when the planet reaches the true parallel aspect in declination with the second planet.
  8. 0 in Declination - the moment when the first planet is going to reach 0 declination.
  9. x Degree Transit - the moment when the planet enters the specified degree of the Zodiac.

When called from the Charts/Election (Fixed Stars)... menu, the Events table will show the following information for each of the Fixed Star Election events:
  1. Date - this is the date for the election
  2. Time - this is the local time for the election
  3. Details - this field shows the star and its condition
  4. In Zodiac - star position in Zodiac at the time of the search
  5. Lunar Aspects - applying aspect of the Moon to the star
  6. Image - star symbol/character according to Agrippa.

Casting Event charts and Fixed Stars Election Charts

In order to generate a chart for the calculated Event, follow the steps outlined in the Search for Events article.
Once the Events Results table appears, double click on any of the events dates in the table. The Event chart for the selected date will be generated and will appear in the main tab set.

In order to generate a Fixed Star Election Chart, follow these instructions: Fixed Star Elections. When the Fixed Star elections table appear, double click on any of the elected events. The Election chart for the selected date will be shown in the main tab.

Note: Stations in Longitude and Latitude and Latitude transits will not be shown for the Luminaries (for the Sun and the Moon).

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