Λογισμικό Αστρολογίας on-line


Το AstroApp είναι το πρώτο επαγγελματικό λογισμικό Αστρολογίας βασισμένο στο διαδίκτυο.

To AstroApp περιλαμβάνει όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά του προηγμένου λογισμικού Αστρολογίας και θα είναι διαθέσιμο στα σύννεφα(Clouds). Δεν χρειάζεται να ανησυχείτε για την δημιουργία αντιγράφων ασφαλείας, διορθώσεις, εγκαταστάσεις, αναβαθμίσεις ή σχετικά με τη διαμόρφωση του υπολογιστή σας. Δεν υπάρχει καμία ανάγκη να συνεχίσετε με βάσεις δεδομένων για τα ωροσκόπια σας κάθε φορά που θα αγοράσετε ένα νέο υπολογιστή, φορητό υπολογιστή, Mac ή iPad. Το μόνο που χρειάζεστε για να εκτελέσετε το AstroApp είναι το πάθος για την αστρολογία , το διαδίκτυο και το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης σας!
Το AstroApp προσφέρει ένα ευρύ φάσμα από συναρπαστικά χαρακτηριστικά που δεν υπάρχουν αλλού. Εκείνοι που ασκούν την Μεσαιωνική Αστρολογία θα εκτιμήσουν μεσαιωνικούς αλγόριθμους μαγείας, Διανομές, Profections, και οδηγίες για 10 είδη της Πρωτοβάθμιας . Διαγράμματα Κρίσης και ανατομικές προβολές είναι διαθέσιμα στην ιατρική μονάδα Αστρολογίας.
Η Mesoamerican σχολή της αστρολογίας αντιπροσωπεύεται από τη Μάγια με πλανητικά Ωροσκόπια. Σύγχρονοι αστρολόγοι θα απολαύσετε τα χαρακτηριστικά, όπως ενότητες για χρυσά ωροσκόπια, ωροσκόπια προσωπικότητας, λεπτομέρειες για 100.000 αστεροειδείς και ούτω καθεξής.
Με το AstroApp απλά εγγράφεστε για ένα δωρεάν ή Premium μέλος και μπορείτε πάντα να ανανεώσετε ή να τερματίσετε τη συνδρομή σας ανά πάσα στιγμή. Το AstroApp είναι εντελώς βασισμένο στο διαδίκτυο.(web-based), μπορείτε να το εκτελέσετε σε όλους τους υπολογιστές και σε Mac (iMac, MacBook και ούτω καθεξής), iPad, PC και σχεδόν σε κάθε συσκευή που είναι συνδεδεμένη στο Internet.

Forecast Tools

  • Primary Directions

    Primary Directions
    primary directions
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Primary Directions Rregiomontanus/Naibod
    primary directions regiomontanus naibod
     Click Image to Enlarge
    The following methods of Primary Directions are available:
    • Placidus
    • Campanus (under the pole)
    • Regiomontanus (under the pole)
    • Meridian
    • Morinus
    • Porphyry
    • Alcabitius
    • Equal Houses (ecliptic)
    • Equal Houses (hour circle)
    • Directions in Longitude
    • Edmund Jones Primaries

    There are three major categories of time keys: Static, Symbolic, and Dynamic. The following Time Keys are supported by AstroApp in each category:
    Static time conversion keys:
    • Ptolemey
    • Naibod
    • Cardano
    • Umar Al-Tabari
    • Wöllner
    • Plantiko

    Dynamic time conversion keys:
    • Placidus
    • Simmonite
    • Symbolic Solar Arc
    • Ascendant Arc
    • Vertical Arc
    • Kündig
    • Kepler
    • Brahe

    Symbolic static time conversion keys:
    • Symbolic Degree
    • Symbolic Year
    • Symbolic Month
    • Symbolic Week
    • Synodic Symbolic
    • Duodenary
    • Sub-Duodenary
    • Quarterly
    • Quinary
    • Novenary
    • Symbolic Moon average
    • Self-Measure

    Three types of Directions are available:
    • In Mundo
    • In Zodiaco (most commonly used)
    • Field Plane
    Converse Directions:
    • Direct
    • Traditional Converse
    • Neo-Converse
    Objects (promissors/significators):
    • Angles
    • Planets
    • Fixed Stars
    Additionally you can select Dexter vs Sinister aspects between Promissors and Significators, exclude latitude from calculations, calculate mundane parallels using ASC and MC axis, add Lunar Parallax Correction, switch between true and mean positions of promissors and significators, etc.
  • Progressions

    Linear Progressions
    progressions linear
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Linear Progressions in Declination
    progressions linear decl
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Secondary Progressions

    secondary progressions 
    Click Image to Enlarge 

    Progressions Listing Form
    progressions list form

    Progression hits
    progressions list
    24 types of progressions are available.
    • Progression Charts
    • Progression Listings (Progressions tables)
    • Progression graphs (linear graphs in Longitude, Latitude, and Declination)

    Progression lists:
    • Progression to Radix points.
    • Progressed stations in longitude and latitude.
    • Progressed ingresses in signs, houses and tropical lunar mansions.
    • Ability to calculate progressions in Heliocentric and Topocentric systems.
    • Progressed charts.
    • Secondary. One day corresponds to one year of life.
    • Tertiary. One day corresponds to one lunar month of life.
    • Minor. One lunar month corresponds to one year of life.
    • Charles Jayne's Progressions in Declination
    • Solar day/Perigee year
    • Solar day/Eclipse year
    • Solar day/Tropical month
    • Solar day/Synodic month
    • Solar day/Draconic month
    • Solar day/Perigee month
    • Sidereal day/Sidereal year
    • Sidereal day/Perigee year
    • Sidereal day/Eclipse year
    • Sidereal day/Sidereal month
    • Sidereal day/Synodic month
    • Sidereal day/Perigee month
    • Sidereal day/Draconic month
    • Duodenary
    • Sub-duodenary
    • Septenary
    • Quinary
    • Self-Measure
    • 1 Symbolic degree progression rate

    MC can be calculated using the following methods:
    • Mean Quotidian
    • True Solar Arc (in ecliptic longitude)
    • True Solar Arc (in RA)
    • Mean Solar Arc (in ecliptic longitude)
    • Mean Solar Arc (in RA)
    • 1 degree per year
    • Birth MC (natal MC)
    • Mean Solar Arc Cardano (in RA).
  • Transits

     Linear Transits in Zodiac

    transit linear zodiac
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Transits for groups of charts
    multi charts transits calendar
    Print preview of Transits Calendars
    calendar print

    Events Search module:
    • Ability to create and save complex event searches
    • Ability to search for specific aspects to natal planets and major asteroids
    • Ability to search for ingresses into houses (regular 12 and 13 house based systems)
    • Ability to search for transits over the middle of any house, over 5 degrees before cusp points, etc.
    Ability to search for:
    1. Transit to Natal hits
    2. Transit to Transit hits
    3. Transits to House cusps
    4. Stations in longitude
    5. Stations in latitude

    Ability to restrict aspects by:
    • dexter and sinister types,
    • orbs values and % values,
    • partile aspects.
    1. Ability to use multiple pre-defined aspects sets.
    2. Charts group transits
    3. Circular Transits (Time Tunnels):
    • Lunar Days
    • Monthly Transits for Luminaris, Planets, and major asteroids
    • Monthly Transits with Lunar Phases indicators
    4. Planetary Cycles

    Linear Transits in 13 Signs Zodiac
    transit linear 13 signs
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Linear Transits through Radix Houses
    transit linear houses
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Ebertin style Transits
    ebertin transits
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Dynamic Transits
    dynamic transits
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Dual Chart Transits

    dual chart_transits 
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Transit to Natal searches
    transit natal searches
    Transit to Natal Results
    transit natal events results

    Transits Lists
    transits list
    Click Images to Enlarge

    Circular transits
    circular transits
    Click Images to Enlarge

    Lunar Time Tunnel
    Click Images to Enlarge
  • Animation

    Ability to animate:

    • Transits
    • Progressions (secondary, tertiary, minor, etc; 23 rates in total).
    • Vedic Progressions
    • Returns for luminaries and planets

    Animate in:

    • Tropical Zodiac
    • Sidereal Zodiac
    • 13 Signs
    • Galactic Zodiac
    • Lunar Mansions
    • Nakshatras


    • Day
    • Week
    • Month
    • Year

    Ability to change speed, stop, pause and resume.

    Transit Animation Progressions Animation
    animation transit animation progressions
    Vedic Animation through Nakshatras Animation through 13 Signs Zodiac
    animation vedic progression nakshatras animation 13 signs
  • Ingresses

    Ingress In Bounds
    ingress in bounds
    Click Image to Enlarge 
    The following Ingress types are available:
    • Planets and major asteroids ingresses in Zodiac Signs.
    • Ingress in Terms (bounds). The system for Terms/Bounds calculation can be configured by the user.
    • Planetary ingresses in Houses.
    • Ingresses to the Lunar Mansions with interpretation by Bob Makransky
    • Ingresses in degrees series.
    You can calculate ingresses for any planet and then create a chart for each of ingress events.
  • Distributions

    Click Image to Enlarge 
     Distributions (Directions through Bounds/Terms)
    • 5 Releasers
    • Multiple Terms Systems
    • Both Distributors and Partners are calculated
  • Returns

     Returns Scanner
    returns scanner

    • Solar, Lunar, and Planetary Returns
    • Returns for major asteroids
    • Personal Returns
    • Phase Returns (embolismic lunar returns and planetary phase returns)
    • Kinetic returns
    • Wynn Key returns (both Solar and Lunar)
    • Solunars and Anlunars (tropical, sidereal, etc)
    • Harmonic positions returns (Demi-returns, Quatri-Returns, Enneads-Returns and so on)
    • Relocated Returns
    • Precessed returns
    • Converse Returns
    • Returns to any degree of the Zodiac
    • Solar Return Distributions with and without precession
    • Aimed Returns. Ability to search for the best geographical locations for Solar Returns, Lunar Returns and all types of other returns.
    Return Locations
    aimed solar return scanner
  • Periodic Directions and Arcs

    • Persian Directions
    • Periodic Directions
    • Solar, Lunar, and Planetary Arcs
      • 23 progression rates
      • Arcs for Sun, Moon, all planets and major asteroids
      • Arcs for Asc, MC, Vertex
      • Arcs in Declination (Charles Jayne and Eleanor Heseltine method)
      • Arcs for lunar nodes
      • 4 Quotidians
      • Ability to specify the arc of direction
      • Solar Arc hits and events table


  • Modern

    • Huber Age Point
    • Rudhyar Progressions
    • Developmental Ages
    • Life Time module based on the work by A.T. Mann
    Life Time scale Life Time scale bi-wheel
    life Time Wheel with Scale life Time Wheel with Scale bi-Wheel
    Life Time events  
    lifetime table with sorting options  
  • Traditional

    • Distributions (Circumambulations)
    • Solar Return Distributions
    • Monthly Divisions
    • Diurnal Quadrants
    • Firdaria
    • Lord of the Turn
    • Lord of the Orb (Abu Ma'shar and Diego de Torres methods
    • Nine Parts (Abu Ma'shar and Vedic methods)
    • Profections
      • Traditional
      • Manilius
      • Egyptian
      • Annual
      • Monthly
      • Daily
      • Hourly
      • Firdaria rate
      • Major (Persian)
      • Qisma (Abu Marwan Al Istiji)
      • Qisma (Persian medieval traditional)
      • Solar Return Rate
      • Solar Arc rate
      • 360 degrees rate
    • Time Lords
      • Lord of the Turn
      • Lord of the Orb
      • Nine Parts
      • Firbaria
      • Planetary Ages
      • Decennials
      • 129 Year System
      • 9 Years of the Moon
      • Balbillius method
      • Lunar Monomoiria
      • Quarters of the Moon
      • Zodiacal Releasing
      • Annual Divisions (Valens, Firmicus, Junctinus)
    Timelords Trees (periods and sub-periods) Timelords (Chronocrators): Timeline View
    basic gray dark matter
    Click Image to Enlarge Click Image to Enlarge
    Advanced Profections  
    basic gray  
    Click Image to Enlarge   
  • Time Map

    Ability to create configurable linear time maps that combine time lords from Hellenistic, Medieval and Vedic traditions.

    Time Mapping Form Time Lords Map
    time map time lords map