Mayan Planetary Horoscope
Synastry 7
You can explore relationships using 7 types of synastry charts:
- BiWheels
- Composite Derived
- Composite Midpoints
- Davison Average
- Davison Corrected
- Coalescent
- Generalized Planetary Hours Synastry BiWheel
Golden Section
And more ... 15
- Huber's Age Points
- Rudhyar's Quadrants
- Draconic
- Uranian
- Persona chars
- Harmonics (regular, planetary arcs, Age harmonics)
- Equilibrium/superimposed
- Epoch charts
- Generalized Planetary Hours charts
- Tobey Secondary Chart
- Sexascope
- Tree of Life
- Septener Diagram
- Planetary Nodes horoscope
- and more...