Logiciel d'Astrologie dans le Cloud

AstroApp contient toutes les fonctionnalités du logiciel avancé d'astrologie et disponible dans le cloud. Vous n'avez pas à vous soucier des sauvegardes, des correctifs, de l'installation, des mises à niveau ou de la configuration de votre ordinateur. Il n'est pas nécessaire de garder les bases de données de vos cartes chaque fois que vous achetez un nouvel ordinateur, un ordinateur portable, un Mac ou un iPad. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour démarrer AstroApp est une passion pour l'astrologie et votre navigateur!! AstroApp offre une large gamme de fonctionnalités intéressantes introuvables ailleurs. Ceux qui pratiquent l'astrologie médiévale apprécieront les algorithmes magiques médiévaux, les distributions, les profections et les 11 types d'orientations primaires.
Des tableaux de crise et des projections anatomiques sont disponibles dans le module d'astrologie médicale. L'école d'astrologie mésoaméricaine est représentée par l'horoscope planétaire maya. Les astrologues modernes apprécieront des fonctionnalités comme les tableaux de sections dorées, les graphiques personnalisés, les détails pour 100 000 astéroïdes, etc.. Avec AstroApp, vous vous inscrivez pour une adhésion gratuite ou Premium que vous pouvez renouveler ou résilier à tout moment. AstroApp étant entièrement basé sur le Web, vous pouvez l'exécuter sur votre Mac (iMac, MacBook, etc.), iPad, PC et sur presque tous les périphériques connectés à Internet.

Modern Astrology Tools

  • AstroDynes

    AstroDynes (also knowns as CosmoDynes)

    AstroDyne objects and graphs
    astrodynes all1
    More graphs/stats options
    astrodynes all2
    Click Image to Enlarge Click Image to Enlarge
    AstroDynes Houses
    astrodynes houses
    CosmoDynes Planets
    astrodynes planets
    Click Image to Enlarge Click Image to Enlarge
    CosmoDynes Signs Scoring
    astrodynes signs
    AstroDynes Page
    astrodynes page
    Click Image to Enlarge Click Image to Enlarge
  • House Systems

    tables house systems
    Click Image to Enlarge
  • Uranian Astrology

    • In-mundo Sums.
    • Sums in Azimuth.

    Midpoints Aspects
    midpoint aspectsPlanet Sums
    sumsMidpoints Tree
    midpoints treeActroLocality Aspects
    acg aspects

  • Locational Astrology

    local horizon map
    Charts of Relocation
    Locality Charts:
    • Geodetic (longitude) chart
    • Geodetic (RA) chart
    • Johndro (longitude) chart
    • Johndro (RA) chart

    Local Horizon Map
    Relocation Finder

    Relocation Finder tool:  
    relocation tool  
  • Planets/Celestial Bodies Information

    planetary details
    Click Image to Enlarge
  • Aspects Tools

    Aspects Gridaspects grid

    Aspects to House Cusps

    house cusp aspects


    •  Aspects with applying and separating aspects data
    • Aspects and distances between planets
    • Whole Sign Aspects
    • Aspects Perfections
    • In Mundo Aspects
    • Aspects to House Cusps
    • Aspects to Fixed Stars
    • Bindhu Table / Partile Aspects
    • Aspects between charts
    • Aspect Patterns:
      • Stellium (2, 3, 4 5+ stellium variations)
      • T-Square
      • Grand Trine
      • Yod
      • Hammer of Thor
      • Huber Learning (4 Huber patterns in total)
      • Grand Cross
      • Wedge
      • Kite
      • Mystic Rectangle
      • Hard Rectangle
      • Focused Yod
      • Rosetta
      • All
      • Double Yod
      • Square Key
      • Quintile Kite
      • Cradle
      • Pentagram
      • Star of David
    • Ability to calculate aspects using aspect orbs and moeties
    • Various Aspect highlighting modes in charts


  • Gauquelin Sectors

    Gauquelin Sectors
    Gauquelin Sectors
    Click Image to Enlarge 
  • Huber Astrology

    Gen. Planetary Hours Wheel
    gph wheel
    Click Image to Enlarge 

    Dispositors Chains 
    gph dispositors chains
    Click Image to Enlarge

    Synastry Aspects in Gen. Planetay Hours
    gph bi wheel
    Click Image to Enlarge
    The Generalized Planetary Hours (G.P.H) is a new system of planets placements discovered by Bob Makransky.
    The following G.P.H features are currently supported:
    • Generalized Planetary Hours Wheel.
    • Aspects and hour distances for all objects.
    • Aspects Pattern search.
    • Dispositors chains (including Chaldean order numbers and corresponding Chakras listing).
    • Mutual receptions by Hours and Signs.
    • BiWheels using Generalized Planetary Hours method.
    • Synastry Aspects in Generalized Planetay Hours.
    • Ability to choose between Topocentric and Campanus calculations methods.

    To learn more about this system, please check the Generalized Planetary Hours article by Byb Makransky
  • Rudhyar's Quadrants

    Rudhyar's Quadrants
    rudhyar quadrants
    Click Images to Enlarge
  • WvA

    Fictitious planets of WvA school of Astrology (aka Dutch school of Ram):
    1. Persefone
    2. Hermes
    3. Demeter

    Ascendant Parallel Circle house system.

  • Miscellaneous



    • Persona Charts
    • Equilibrium/superimposed charts
    • Draconic charts (and related planetary charts)
    • Golden Sections charts
    • Planetary Nodes chart
    • Decanates Chart (Helmut Licht/Alan Leo)
    • Transformation charts (8 types)
    • Harmonics:
      • Regular
      • Age harmonics
      • Planetary Arcs harmonics (2 types)
      • All Harmonics placements
  • Generalized Planetary Hours

    Gen. Planetary Hours Wheel
    gph wheel
    Click Image to Enlarge 

    Dispositors Chains 
    gph dispositors chains

    Click Image to Enlarge
    Synastry Aspects in Gen. Planetay Hours
    gph bi wheel
    Click Image to Enlarge

    The Generalized Planetary Hours (G.P.H) is a new system of planets placements discovered by Bob Makransky.
    The following G.P.H features are currently supported:
    • Generalized Planetary Hours Wheel.
    • Aspects and hour distances for all objects.
    • Aspects Pattern search.
    • Dispositors chains (including Chaldean order numbers and corresponding Chakras listing).
    • Mutual receptions by Hours and Signs.
    • BiWheels using Generalized Planetary Hours method.
    • Synastry Aspects in Generalized Planetay Hours.
    • Ability to choose between Topocentric and Campanus calculations methods.

    To learn more about this system, please check the Generalized Planetary Hours article by Byb Makransky


  • Planet-Centered

    • Planet-Centered charts (all planets)
    • Asteroid-Centered charts - ability to create asteroid-centered charts for all 100,00 asteroids

    Zodiac Variations

    • Draconic Zodiac
    • Planet-based Zodiac (all planets)
    • Asteroid-based Zodiac (for all available asteroids)


  • Sidereal Astrology

    • 30 ayanamsas
    • Cyril Fagan's Novenic Chart (Sexascope)
    • Precessed progressions
    • Returns: precessed/sidereal, Kinetic, phase, conversed and other returns.
    • Ability to use ancient Hellenistic and Medieval techniques with various sidereal settings.
  • Fictitious Planets

    Uranian/Hamburg Planets:

    • Cupido
    • Hades
    • Zeus
    • Kronos
    • Apollon
    • Admetos
    • Vulkanus
    • Poseidon

    Other Ficticious and Unknown planets:

    • Isis
    • Nibiru
    • Harrington
    • Neptune (Leverrier)
    • Neptune (Adams)
    • Pluto (Lowell)
    • Pluto (Pickering)
    • Vulcan
    • White Moon (Selena)
    • Proserpina
    • Waldemath
    • Phaethon - the planet that disintegrated into what is presently known as the Asteroids Belt

    WvA school:

    • Persefone
    • Hermes
    • Demetr

    Special Points:

    • Vertex
    • Equatorial ASC according to Koch
    • Co-ASC according to Koch
    • Co-ASC according to Munkasey
    • Polar ASC according to Munkasey
    • Nonagesimal MC and IC

    Dwarf Planets:

    Besides Fictitious planets, AstroApp supports hundreds of thousands of asteroids and also the following dwarf planets:

    • Sedna
    • Makemake
    • Haumea
    • Eris
  • Dark Stars

    Dark Star module is based on the works of Bernard Fitzwalter and Raymond Henry.
    Dark Suns (or Dark Stars) are the alternative focal points of the planets and asteroids orbiting the Sun.
    AstroApp support the ability to create charts with Dark Stars for all the major planets.
    Additionally, you can view the details/position for 20 related fictitious bodies including Lilith (3 versions), Priapus, Dark Suns for all the planets, Dark Stars for major asteroids and Phaethon.
  • Declination

    Kt Boehrer Diagram and Table  
    declinations diagram
    • Kt Boehrer Diagram and Table
    • Declination Wheel style
    • Midpoints in Declination

    Declination Wheel style  
    declinations style  
  • Vertical Zodiac

    Vertical Zodiac according to Helmut Licht.
    vertical zodiac
    • Vertical Zodiac Chart
    • Vertical Zodiac details table
    • Vertical Zodiac Page Designer component
  • Dirah Academy

    • Western Astrology: Planetary Strength
    • Vedic Astrology: Planetary Strength
    Western Planetary Strength table and graph: Dirah Bala: Vedic Planetary Strength:
    dira western planetary strength dirah vedic strength planets