And we are very excited to announce a new release of AstroApp!

Major new features:
  • UI enhancements: smartphone UI improvements, 6 new UI skins
  • New interpretation reports (Natal, Solar Returns, 13 Signs)
  • 13 Signs Astrology: multiple new features
  • Completely re-worked Time Lords and Dashas modules
  • Financial Astrology: Upcoming IPOs Scanner
  • APIs white-labeling and branding

New Features in each Edition:

AstroApp Pro and Financial Gold Editions:

1. Mobile UI improvements: inline forms, mobile-style hamburger menus, adaptive screens and more. Ability to use modern mobile UI on desktop/laptop devices.
2. 6 New UI skins (color schemes) including Magenta, Obsidian, Stratus, Shiva.
3. Interpretation reports:
3.1. Ready-to-print Natal Report by Kitty Bonny
3.2. Solar Return and Natal Reports by Abigail Craig (evolutionary astrology)
3.3. Planets and planetoids interpretations in 13 Signs and houses: Reports in English and Spanish by Pedro de Damborenea
4. Ability to add stars, planetoids, and dark planets to customizable object sets.
5.13 Signs Astrology:
5.1. Planets in 13 houses interpretation report - updated / reworked
5.2. New Rainbow style for 13 Houses systems
5.3. New 13 house system. AstroApp now supports 3 13 house systems
5.4. New 13 Signs Zodiac calculation method according to Pedro Damborenea
5.5. Multi-wheel charts support for 13 Signs Zodiac
5.6. Ability to search charts based on planets placements in 13 houses
5.7. Interpretation Reports Editor: ability to create user-defined interpretations for objects in 13 houses
5.8. Transit Searches can now show search results using 13 Signs Zodiac positions
6. Interactive Tutorials.
7. Election modules updates:
7.1. Election Timeline: ability to include/exclude weekends and any week days
7.2. Election/Rectification module: ability to elect times for specified planets' positions
8. Chart image: single-click interpretations.
9. Point Explorer will now show Sabian symbols interpretations
10. Star Aspects table: simplified access to inline interpretations
11. Advanced Search enhancements:
11.1. Ability to search charts by Planetary Hours and Planetary Days
11.2. Ability to search charts by Lunar days (Traditional, Tibetan and Vedic methods)
11.3. Ability to search charts by week days
11.4. 13 House systems: house placement searches
12. By popular demand: the ability to use decimal format for geographical longitudes and latitudes when creating new charts
13. Antiscion table now supports asteroids and special objects and can present data in text and glyph formats
14. Solar Arcs table: support for SA planets, house cusps, various special objects and dispositors/rulers.
15. Arabic Parts editor: Ability to use modern planets, asteroids and special objects to create customer Arabic Parts
16. Ability to filter Arabic Parts by names
17. Option to invert charts (for Southern Hemisphere)
18. Time Lords and Vedic Dashas:
18.1. Time Lord and Dashas sub-period trees. Ability to drill down to sub-periods up to 8 levels
18.2. New Hellenistic Chronochrators system: 9 Years of the Moon
18.3. Decennials: 2 methods of the 3rd level days calculations added
18.4. Losing of Bond data added to the Zodiacal Releasing Chronochrators trees
18.5. Quarters of the Moon tree will now show cycle numbers
18.6. Balbillus method: ability to calculate time lords from multiple releasers
18.7. Ability to export Time Lord trees to MS Excel
18.8. New Timelords view: linear timelines
18.9. Ability to add sub-period to the chart events database
20. Time Zone updates, including recent Mexico DST changes, new South American time zones and more.

election search year view event election search week view
geomancy house chart geomancy shield chart
 ui magenta  ui obsidian


AstroApp API Edition:

1. White label and custom branding support added to JavaScript and REST APIs.
2. Various performance and error handling improvements

Financial Gold Edition:
1. Advanced Searches / scans of the upcoming (planned) IPOs
2. Companies and first trade charts database updates: more than 100 companies and first trade charts added.

And we are very excited to announce a new release of AstroApp!

Major new features:
•    Geomancy
•    Advanced Elections Scanner
•    Custom Objects sets
•    Financial Astrology: Earnings Calendar Scanner
•    New APIs

New Features in each Edition:

AstroApp Pro and Financial Gold Editions:

1. Geomancy module. Geomancy Shield and House charts.
2. Advanced Election Searches:

2.1. Hundreds of election criteria
2.2. Ability to create complex election search formulas
2.3. Ability to save, reuse, rate election search criteria
2.4. Multiple Timeline results views.
3. Custom Object Sets:
3.1. Ability to create custom object sets and customize objects appearance in charts and tables
3.2. Ability to add any of the 100,000+ asteroids and planetoids to charts, tables and other AstroApp modules
4. Mundane Astrology: Mean Conjunctions. multiple Arabic and Persian methods including Noufid Khalid, Kushyar, Abu Ma'shar, Masha'allah, Ridwan Efendi Ibn Al-Shatir and others.
5. Galactic Zodiac, Galactic Chart Type
6. 13 Signs Astrology: updated interpretation reports

election search year view event election search week view
geomancy house chart geomancy shield chart


AstroApp API Edition:

1. Ingresses API. Ability to add Ingresses data to your web sites and mobile apps.
2. Moon Conditions API. API provides data on Moon's placement in Zodiac, Lunar Mansions and Nakshatras; information on current and upcoming phases; Void of Course conditions, etc.

Financial Gold Edition:
1. Advanced Searches / scans of the upcoming Quarterly Results Announcements
2. Companies and first trade charts database updates.
3. New Video Tutorials by Bill Meridian.

* We are looking for authors of interpretation reports and for translators.
  If you're interested, please drop us a note at
View this announcement as a web page.

We are very excited to announce a new release of AstroApp!

Major new features:

  • AstroApp is now available in German.
  • 10 new interpretation reports
  • 13 Signs Astrology: multiple new features
  • Financial Astrology: ETFs, FOREX exchange, Crypto currencies, Earnings Calendar
  • ACG / AstroCartoGraphy APIs

New Features in each Edition:
AstroApp Pro and Financial Gold Editions:

  1. 10 Interpretation reports:
    • Natal Evolutionary Astrology report by Abigail Craig
    • Medical Degrees, Horary Degrees, Sabian degrees - multiple reports
    • Horary House Rulers report
    • Natal reports focused on house rulers and decanates
  2. Ability to export interpretation reports to PDF
  3. Ability to print preview and print interpretation reports
  4. Solunars, Anlunars, Returns to house cusps, Returns to planets and major asteroids
  5. Solar Spots (observed and predicted)
  6. Mundane Astrology: Dawr periods according to Abu Ma'shar and Mashallah
  7. 13 Signs Astrology:
    • 13 Signs Zodiac according to Vasilis Kanatas, Athen Chimenti, IAU, Berg/Kanatas, Berg/Chimenti, Kanatas/Chimenti midpoint averages
    • Two new 13 Signs Zodiac Wheel Styles
    • Main screen tables now support 13 signs and unequal Zodiac variations
  8. Unequal Zodiac:
    • New Unequal Zodiac Wheels styles
    • Unequal Vedic Zodiac - Sastri
  9.  Aspect Patterns table (27 patterns supported)
  10. Fixed Stars table filtering/searches 
  11.  Ability to customize certain chart style options
  12.  House Modalities statistics
  13.  New wheel styles
  14. Auto-complete features search
  15. Time Lords: Nine Parts (Persian and Vedic methods) and Lord of the Orb (Abu Ma'ashar and Diego de Torres methods) updates
  16. Heliacal Events for Fixed Stars
  17. Coronavirus stats and AstroCartography enhancements
 horoscope wheel style elements solar spots radar
13Signs Kanatas rainbowStyle 13 Signs Zodiac Elements
AstroApp API Edition:
  1. REST APIs: Ability to calculate AstroCartoGraphy (ACG) data
  2.         API usage portal enhancements


Financial Gold Edition:

  1.        Expanded support for index funds and ETFs
  2.        Support for Crypto currencies in Astro Indicators, Technical Indicators, Trading System, Gann and Research modules. 575 Crypto currencies supported
  3.        Support for FOREX currency exchange research (157 physical currencies)
  4.        Earnings Announcements calendar and IPO / EPS announcements charts comparison
  5.        US Economy Business
  6.        250+ companies and first trade charts added including latest IPOs, renewables, solar and electric vehicles sectors
results announcements

We are very excited to announce a new release of AstroApp!

Major new features:

  • Election Search Modules
  • Multiple new Medieval and Vedic Time Lords
  • COVID19 Stats and AstroCartography
  • Financial Astrology: Cycles, selected ETFs, Business Cycles

New Features in each Edition:
AstroApp Pro and Financial Gold Editions:

  1. Election Search modules:
    • Essential Dignities election graph
    • House Cusps election module
    • Elections quick chart previews
  2. Time Lords:
    • Nine Parts (Persian and Vedic methods)
    • Lord of the Orb (Abu Ma'ashar and Diego de Torres methods)
  3. Primary Directions:
    • Ability to include the Lunar Parallax correction
    • True vs Apparent positions for Promissors and Significators
  4. Heliacal Events for Fixed Stars
  5. Coronavirus stats and AstroCartography (ACG, Geodetic, and Local Space maps): for cases spread, death rates, recovery rates
  6. New Page Designer components
  7. Dynamic Transit module enhancements
  8. Progressions to angles added as part of the objects listings
  9. Ability to create complex Asteroids Searches
  10. Time Zones and Cities database updates.
covid19 stats astrocartography nine parts abumashar
house cusps elections form house cusp elections chart
lord of orb essential dignities graph election
AstroApp API Edition:
  1. REST APIs: Ability to calculate progressions to angles.

Financial Gold Edition:

  1. Support for selected index funds and ETFs
  2.        Planetary Cycles and the ability to combine cycles, astro indicators and technical indicators on price charts
  3.        US Economy Business cycle
  4.        200 companies and first trade charts added including renewables, solar and electric vehicles sectors.
financial cycles astrology financial events cycles indicators astrology



We are very excited to announce a new release of AstroApp!
Major new features:

  • Natal Events Searches
  • Advanced Profections: 19 methods of Hellenistic, Medieval Persian, Arabic, and modern methods. Mundane Profections, Natal and Horary Profections.
  • Uneven and 13 sign Zodiac variations support in tables
  • Financial Astrology: Research profitability evaluation

New Features in each Edition:

AstroApp Pro and Financial Gold Editions:

  1. Advanced Transits and Ingresses Search module:
    • Ability to search for specific aspects to planets and major asteroids
    • Ability to search for activation times of midpoints and planetary sums
    • Ingresses in houses, activation of house sensitive points. Both 12-house and 13-house systems supported
    • Ability to build and save complex event searches
    • Ability to create interpretations and ratings for events searches
  2. Advanced Profection module:
    • Nine medieval Persian and Arabic Profection methods, events listing table
    • Re-designed Basic Profection module (new types of profections, house rulers)
  3. Mundane Profections. 10 types of medieval Arabic and Persian Mundane profections added
  4. Egyptian Lord of the Turn Time Lords table and corresponding Time Map
  5. New almuten and traditional scoring systems according to Mashallah and Ptolemy
  6. Directions through Bounds:
    • Qisma calculation method added
    • Ability to save periods and sub-periods changes to the Events database
  7. Void of Course Moon: 5 calculation methods added (bringing the total number of options to 8). Methods are based on Hellenistic, Medieval, Renaissance and Modern traditions
  8. 13 signs Astrology:
    • Planetary positions in 13 houses added to the Planets Details table
    • Ability to search for ingresses in 13 houses (Bergian and Lovelace systems)
    • Ability to convert 12 signs longitude to 13 signs positions by default in most tables
  9. Uneven Zodiac variations: 7 Zodiac variations that use uneven 12 signs divisions
  10. Research Module: ability to analyze charts and chart groups by Sign Pairs stats
  11. ACG Maps: clicking on the planetary lines will now bring up details for those lines
  12. New Page Designer components
  13. More tables can now be exported as Excel and XML files
  14. Nonagesimal MC and IC added to the Special Points table
  15. Updated Spanish and Portuguese translations
  16. Time Zones and Cities database updates.
transit natal events results transit natal searches
acg map details line click acg map street zoom
time map time lords map
profections advanced  
AstroApp API Edition:
  1. REST APIs: Ability to filter Progression listings by date ranges.

Financial Gold Edition:

  1. Heliocentric and Topocentric Planetary Cycles
  2. Research Module: trades profitability analysis (both Long and Short trading strategies are supported)
  3. Astrological Group Analysis of Portfolios
  4. Ability to delete imported charts
  5. Ability to delete companies from Portfolios
  6. 105 new first trade charts added, 30+ trade charts updated.
financial research financial research profitability testing

We are very excited to announce one of our biggest AstroApp releases in years!

Major new features:

  • Mundane Astrology and Machine Learning:
    • AstroCartography of the World Events
    • AstroCartography of the World Population Mood
    • World Instability timeline
    • Database of Mundane Horoscopes
    • Coronavirus and Earthquakes Geodetic maps
  • Jayne's Progressions
  • Relocation Finder
  • New REST APIs
  • Complete redesign of the site (including reduced price trials, new payment methods and more)

New Features in each Edition:

AstroApp Pro and Financial Gold Editions:

1. World Events AstroCartography. This is a revolutionary module that allows plotting world events in real time on ACG and Geodetic astro maps. The module relies on machine learning, natural language processing and face recognition technologies to identify breaking news and classify them by search keywords, by tone, mood, etc. You can now search for the latest world events, review them on ACG maps, Geodetic maps and Johndro maps. You can study events clustering using aspects, midpoints and planetary sums. You can also search for news based on the mood criteria (such as smiling faces dominating the coverage, sad or neutral faces in the crowds), and based on tone of the news coverage across the globe. All found events are clickable so that you can navigate to the source of each event hit.
2. World Instability timeline graph.
3. Astrological mapping of the Coronavirus pandemic. Real-time COVID-19 cases spread tracking on Geodetic Maps (traditional and Johndro).
4. Astro-mapping of Earthquakes: the ability to view earthquakes on Geodetic maps added.
5. Database of World Events charts (1,120+ charts): horoscopes of historical figures, inaugurations, countries, US States, US Cities, USA diplomatic relationships with other countries.
6. Relocation Finder: this module allows you to preview relocated charts and find best places in the World to relocate.
7. Jayne's Progressions: Solar Declination Progressions according to Charles Jayne.
8. Re-designed Elections/Rectification module.
9. Completely re-worked Dynamic Transits screen.
10. Dirah Academy features:
     10.1. Vedic Astrology: Dirah Bala.
     10.2. Western Astrology: Planetary Strength.
11. AstroApp is now translated into Arabic.
12. French, Italian, Tamil translation updates.
13. Two new Page Designer components.
14. More than 1 million locations added (including military bases, historical places, populated unincorporated areas, etc).
15. Time Zones changes history for more than 2 million locations updated.
16. Online Help articles now include Bibliographical references.

smiling faces astrology world events astrocartography
coronavirus Mars Uranus square geodetic coronavirus mars saturn midpoints
mundane instability protests astrology relocation tool
dynamic transits election rectification
dirah vedic strength planets

world horoscopes databasenegative headlines astrology

AstroApp Vedic Edition:

1. Dirah Academy: Vedic Planetary Strength.

AstroApp API Edition:
1.1. Multiple customization parameters for charts creation.
1.2. Abilities to search for locations by names and by geographical coordinates.
1.3. REST API for Transits to Natal and Transits To Transits Listings.
1.4. REST APIs for Progressions.
1.5. REST APIs for statistics (By Sign and By House).
1.6. REST APIs for Traditional Dignities.
2. JavaScript APIs: geographical location proximity searches.
Financial Gold Edition:
financial astrology planets cycles

1. Composite Planetary Cycles. Ability to research planetary cycles correlations with stock prices and currency exchange rates.
2. Research Module: Ability to restrict trading events by Zodiac Signs
3. 70+ new first trade charts added (USA markets) along with multiple historical charts.
4. 60+ companies added.
5. 55+ companies updated.