New Release. August 22nd, 2020

August 22nd, 2020

  1. Mundane Astrology:
    • World Events AstroCartography. Machine learning-driven: (NLP and face recognition), 5 types of astromaps including ACG and Geodetic maps)
    • Geodetic maps of coronavirus pandemic (COVID19 astro-mapping)
    • Geodetic maps of recent earthquakes
    • Horoscopes of World events and historical figures: 1,220+ charts
    • World Instability graphs
  2. Relocation finder module. Relocation research
  3. Jayne's Progressions. Declination Progressions based on Charles Jayne's astrology
  4. Dirah Academy techniques: Dirah Bala (Vedic) and Western Planetary Strength
  5. Re-worked Election module
  6. New dynamic transits module
  7. AstroApp is translated into Arabic
  8. Improved/updated French translations
  9. Financial Astrology: Composite planetary cycles
  10. Financial Astrology: trading events restriction by Zodiac Signs
  11. Financial Astrology: 60+ company charts added
  12. Cities and Time zones database enhancements:
    • More than 1 million locations added (including military bases, historical places, populated unincorporated areas, etc)
    • Time zones for more than 2 million locations updated
  13. APIs:
    • JavaScript API: location proximity searches and performance improvements
    • REST APIs:
      • REST APIs: chart creation with multiple customized parameters
      • REST APIs: ability to search for locations by city names, hospital names and by coordinates
      • REST APIs: stats by Sign and House
      • REST APIs: Transits
      • REST APIs: Progressions
  14. Two new Page Designer components
  15. Bibliography: bibliographical reference added to our Online Help
  16. Complete re-design of the website

New Release. March 20th, 2020

  1. AstroCartography:
    • ACG maps of Coronavirus (COVID-19 spread astro mapping) with the ability to add aspects, midpoionts, sums
    • Real-time earthquakes astro mapping (magnitude, aspects, midoints and planetary sums)
  2. Aspects between charts table
  3. More tables now support CSV, MS Excel and XML format exports
  4. DESC and IC added to the Special Points listing
  5. Multiple additions to the Cities database and to the Time Zones databases
  6. Hundreds of additional asteroids
  7. Thousands of new Deep Sky objects
  8. AstroApp APIs:
    • States data added to the Time Zones APIs and Cities APIs.
    • Ability to filter out locations by states
    • Time Zones and Geo Location APIs enhancements
  9. Financial Astrology:
    • 40 new companies added
    • 70+ new and historical first trade charts added
    • 60+ companies (and IPO charts) updated.60+ companies (and IPO charts) updated.