August 22nd, 2020
- Mundane Astrology:
- World Events AstroCartography. Machine learning-driven: (NLP and face recognition), 5 types of astromaps including ACG and Geodetic maps)
- Geodetic maps of coronavirus pandemic (COVID19 astro-mapping)
- Geodetic maps of recent earthquakes
- Horoscopes of World events and historical figures: 1,220+ charts
- World Instability graphs
- Relocation finder module. Relocation research
- Jayne's Progressions. Declination Progressions based on Charles Jayne's astrology
- Dirah Academy techniques: Dirah Bala (Vedic) and Western Planetary Strength
- Re-worked Election module
- New dynamic transits module
- AstroApp is translated into Arabic
- Improved/updated French translations
- Financial Astrology: Composite planetary cycles
- Financial Astrology: trading events restriction by Zodiac Signs
- Financial Astrology: 60+ company charts added
- Cities and Time zones database enhancements:
- More than 1 million locations added (including military bases, historical places, populated unincorporated areas, etc)
- Time zones for more than 2 million locations updated
- APIs:
- JavaScript API: location proximity searches and performance improvements
- REST APIs: chart creation with multiple customized parameters
- REST APIs: ability to search for locations by city names, hospital names and by coordinates
- REST APIs: stats by Sign and House
- REST APIs: Transits
- REST APIs: Progressions
- Two new Page Designer components
- Bibliography: bibliographical reference added to our Online Help
- Complete re-design of the website