Kitty Bonny

Discover the Magic of the Stars with Kitty

Brandy Profile[2332]Embrace the ancient wisdom of the Celtic tradition and the mystical heritage of the Tuatha Dé Danann with Kitty, a gifted practitioner of gypsy-craft rooted in an Irish family legacy. Since birth, Kitty has been immersed in the enchanting world of astrology and tarot, learning the craft from the wise women in her family.
Experience and Expertise:

Experience and Expertise:

- Astrology and Tarot: Practicing since birth, Kitty has honed her skills over decades, beginning to cast astrology charts by hand in 1993.

- Alainn Tarot Deck: Author and illustrator of this unique and beautifully crafted Divine Feminine, Gen X cultural reference focused Tarot deck.

- Featured Astrologer: Recognized on for her insightful and accurate readings.

- Curator of the Alainn Library: A comprehensive repository of divination tools, news, elements, spells, rituals, clearings, entities, and ascension guidance. Kitty is a magpie at heart, gathering information trinkets from everywhere and sharing them here in hopes that some might shine a light on your journey in this Incarnation.
“Please only take what resonates with your heart and leave the rest behind. Alainn Library is Tionscadal Mo Chroi (Project of my heart) Lovingly curated by Kitty, bean draío leabharlannaí (Librarian Witch)”

- Pioneering Galactic Astrology: Kitty is breaking new ground with 13 house, 13 sign Galactic Astrology. She is tracking and mapping the changes in our Astrological Imprints that have significantly evolved. For those who have not yet embodied their Soul consciousness, Western astrology provides a beautiful roadmap to their character and default path. As individuals heal and integrate their shadows, they transition to an Observer Point level where archetypes are balanced. This leads to a shift into new ways of being, mapped out in the 13 house, 13 sign Galactic Zodiac.
A Personal Journey of Awakening: In December 2019, Kitty's life transformed through a powerful clairaudient awakening during the winter solstice. This profound experience deepened her commitment to her practice and inspired her to support her tribe of starseeds and ascending magical beings. Her passion for cataloging spiritual learnings and sharing them with the world has only grown stronger, as she aims to be an interpreter and guide to awakening humans, helping them navigate their spiritual journey and reach their full potential.

Pedro De Damborenea



Pedro De Damborenea was born in Bilbao, Spain. He became interested in esoteric topics around the year 2010, he is astrology student and meditation teacher.

As an astrology student, one day he saw a video about harmonics and it occurred to him to do the same but in a particular duodecimal system, from there he developed the Duodecimal Zodiac.

He has written the eBook "La creación en base doce" where he relates the different types of bodies (physical, astral and causal) with the 5 elements.

Pedro De Damborenea nació en Bilbao, España. Se interesó por temas esotéricos sobre el año 2010, es estudiante de astrología y profesor de meditación.

Como estudiante de astrología, un día vio un vídeo sobre armónicos y se le ocurrió hacer lo mismo pero en un sistema duodecimal particular, a partir de ahí desarrolló el Zodiaco Duodecimal.

Ha escrito el libro electrónico "La creación en base doce" donde relaciona los distintos tipos de cuerpos (físico, astral y causal) con los cinco elementos.


Abigail Craig

Abigail Craig is determined to make astrology less fearful and more accessible. She hopes to assist in de-mystifying the practice via her website, and also through her reports available on AstroApp. She's honored to help further astrological education through her reports and work.

You can find her at

Kim Lovelace


KimLovelaceAstrology and Metaphysical Sciences have been an integral part of my upbringing, with my maternal Grandparents meeting at a mediumship circle in a spiritualist church, where my Grandfather was also an Astrologer. Their teachings on spiritual values, mind over matter, and the law of karma laid the foundation for my journey. At the age of 16, I first encountered the Star-sign of Ophiuchus, a 13th sign, which resonated with me, given its proximity to my birthday. Limited resources at the time sparked my interest in researching astronomy and ancient history.
From 16 onwards, I delved into Tarot, honing my psychic and healing abilities, mostly keeping it private due to the era's less open attitude towards such subjects. Transitioning into the professional realm, I worked with various psychic phone agencies and conducted private readings. In the mid to late 90s, I served as an editor for a spiritual magazine, providing monthly horoscopes based on the Tropical Astrology System, although I felt a missing piece in this system.
In 2013, I had the fortune of meeting Eric Seligson, the Siderealist, who introduced me to the 'True Live Time Sky Astrology.' Eric became my mentor and friend, guiding me on a journey to promote the truth of this astrology system. Eric's unwavering faith, loyalty, and respect have left an indelible mark on my path. This journey also connected me with Walter Berg, the original founder of the 13 Zodiac, whom I consider the Godfather of Ophiuchus. Both Eric and Walter remain my greatest inspirations on this 13 Star Sign Astrology journey.

Patrícia Azenha Henriques


Patricia Azenha HenriquesPatrícia Azenha Henriques é engenheira civil, astróloga profissional, e a fundadora da empresa “Estudante de Astrologia” dedicada ao ensino, consultoria e investigação.

Depois de um longo flirt, rendeu-se à astrologia em 1998 e mantem com esta uma relação permanente e apaixonada.

É membro efetivo da ASPAS – Associação Portuguesa de Astrologia e escreve regularmente para o jornal “4 Estações”.
