AstroApp Financial Edition 31
Introduction to AstroApp Financial Edition
We have teamed up with a world-renown astrologer and financial researcher Bill Meridian to give you the first Financial Astrology Software in the Cloud.
Most important features of AstroApp Financial Edition include:- Multiple techniques from Bill Meridian's Planetary Stock Trading III and IV books (planetary portfolios, price wheels, etc)
- Bill Meridian's database of First Trade charts for USA; also first trade horoscopes for the following markets: United Kingdom, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, India, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Australia, and Hong Kong (more than 9,780 charts in total). Regular updates are also provided
- Bill Meridians database of Incorporation horoscopes for Abu Dhabi and Dubai markets
- Database of 134,400+ companies covering 12 countries and 15 markets
- Live (close of day) stock trading prices and volume data streams from the US and Australian markets with the ability to produce graphs and analyze using various transits and events data
- ~25 years of historical data for US markets (stocks and selected ETFs)
- FOREX end of day data, ability to use FOREX currency conversion data with technical indicators, astrological indicators, Trading and Research modules.
- 157 currencies supported
- Crypto - end of day data for cryptocurrencies. Crypto currencies research using astrological indicators, technical indicators, Gann, Trading System, Research modules, etc.
- 575 crypto currencies are supported
- Intra-day USA markets data (15 mins intervals for the last 7 to 14 trading days)
- Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies conversion: 463 cryptocurrencies and 156 currencies
- Cryptocurrency conversion rates and transits
- Very advanced Financial stock charts search with complex Boolean search criteria (including result set filters like AND, NOT, Exclusive OR, etc), data sets combinations, and so on
- Financial Charts analysis/stats
- Portfolios. Ability to analyze portfolio charts for commonalities
- W.D Gann Planetary Support / Resistance lines
- 15 Astro Indicators
- Statistical analysis of trading prices correlations with astro significatorsStatistical analysis of trading prices correlations with astro significators
- 93 technical indicators, ability to combine multiple indicators
- Ability to combine technical analysis charts with Astro Events / Transits
- Advanced Trading System. Ability to define and evaluate complex trading strategies based on 22 trading rules, based on technical indicators, astro events, groups of events, astro indicators
- Composite Planetary Cycles and Stocks Prices (Geocentric, Heliocentric, Topocentric)
- Planetary Cycles and Currency Exchange Rates
- Transits / Stock pricing / Trading Volume Graphs
- Research Module that supports research for stocks, commodities and FOREX currencies
- Research events listing, ability to export events to Excel and XML for further offline research
- Bradley Siderograph
- US Economy Activity Cycle index
- EPS - Quarterly Earnings Calendar and Transits (Earnings Announcements charts)
- Ability to use both Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac (30+ ayanamsas) in Research and Transit modules
Trading System 33
- Ability to define Buy and Sell rules using:
- 93 Technical Indicators
- 15 Astro Indicators
- Custom Astro Events and groups of events
- Astro Events can be created using formulas of unlimited complexity
- Ability to define trading strategies based on 22 rules:
- Crossed Down Indicator
- Crossed Up Indicator
- Crossed Down Value
- Crossed Up Value
- In Pipe / Values
- In Pipe / Indicators
- In Slope / Values
- In Slope / Range
- Equal to Value
- Equal to Indicator
- Is Falling During Period
- Is Rising During Period
- Over Indicator
- Over Threshold
- Highest During Period
- Lowest During Period
- Stop Gain
- Stop Loss
- Under Indicator
- Under Threshold
- Wait
- Events
- Ability to combine multiple buy and sell rules into complex trading strategies using AND, OR, XOR, NOT operands
- Ability to analyze profitability of such trading strategies
- Ability to compare trading strategies with Buy and Hold
- Price charts of entry/exit events
- Cash flow graphs
Trading Chart with buy and sell signal Cash Flow Trading Strategy Rules Trading Strategy Analysis - Ability to define Buy and Sell rules using:
Research 10
- Detailed analysis of any user-defined astrological and astronomical events
- Research price correlations between astronomical and astrological events
- Compare profitability of price correlations for different events, for individual stocks and portfolios
- Ability to merge research results to study cumulative effects.
- View price correlations as tables and graphs (multiple graph types such as lines, bars, radar, areas and so on)
- Rate astronomical and astrological events
- Ability to use sidereal Zodiac, 30 predefined and also user-defined ayanamsas.
- Ability to filter buy and sell events by week days and calendar months.
- Ability to filter buy and sell events based on Zodiac Signs in which events occur
- Ability to analyze trades profitability using Long and Short strategies.
Strategies 4
- Define your investment and trading strategies based on astronomical and astrological events.
- Analyze and compare your strategies.
- Benchmark your strategies against the Buy and Hold profitability.
- Define Investment Strategies based on your Research analysis
Strategies module Strategies results Click Image to Enlarge Click Image to Enlarge Criteria configuration Click Image to Enlarge -
Charts Scanning
Advanced Search for Financial charts:
The Advanced Search module can be used to scan the first trade horoscopes database based on a huge number of criteria and criteria combinations.Search criteria can be combined into complex formulas using the following operators:
Additionally, you can use parentheses expressions to combine search parameters and create search criteria of unlimited complexity.
All Search Criteria can be saved and then reused with a couple of mouse clicks. -
Gann 12
Gann Planetary Lines module:
- Classical Gann planetary support and resistance lines based on transits.
- Gann planetary support and resistance module for the First Trade charts.
- Geocentric, Heliocentric, and Topocentric calculations.
- Ability to combine different coordinates calculations for the same planets (such as Heliocentric with Geocentric).
- Ability to set the Price to Longitude scale.
- Configurable harmonic values.
- Ability to calculate Gann lines for Open, Close, High, Low, and Average daily prices.
- Clockwise and Counterclockwise longitude projections.
- Three stock chart styles: Candlestick, OHLC, and Area.
- Ability to combine and show multiple Gann planetary lines on a single chart.
- Ability to combine Heliocentric and Geocentric calculations for the same planets.
- Ability to evaluate Statistical Correlations between price movements and astro indicators.
Planetary lines calculation: Planetary resistance line on the candlestick chart: Multiple Indicators: Multiple Indicators: Zoomed in view: Correlation between price movements and astro indicators: -
Astro Indicators 9
Astro Indicators:
- Essential Dignities
- Accidental Dignities
- Complete Dignities
- Longitude
- Latitude
- Distance (AU)
- Speed
- Speed in Latitude
- Speed in AU
Ability to use Astro Indicators with historical close of day data and intra-day data.
Statistical correlations between astro indicators and stock prices. -
Technical Indicators 93