Advanced Transits Search 10
Ability to search for transits by:
- Position
- Speed
- Aspects
- Aspects to Points
- Phases
Ability to search using Ecliptic Longitude, Latitude, Equatorial RA, and Declination coordinates.
Ability to combine unlimited number of search criteria.
Ability to create Calendars and Timelines from Transit Search results.
Ability to Save Transit Search criteria.
Ability to export various tables into MS Excel, XML and comma-delimited (CSV) formats..
Transits to Natal Search module
Ability to search for:- Transit to Natal aspects (ecliptic and equatorial coordinates)
- Ingresses into natal houses (various sensitive house points, 12-house and 13-house based systems)
- Ability to create searches with complex combinations of search criteria
- Ability to save transit to natal searches
- Ability to add interpretations to saved searches, ability to rate search results
Search Formulas
Advanced Search functionality allows building and saving advanced charts search criteria based on wide range of parameters.
The Advanced Search functionality can be used for conducting chart database searches, for chart groups research and analysis.You can search objects by their own placement and also by:
Dispositor: search based on the position of the ruler of the selected Point.
1st, 2nd, or 3rd Triplicity Rulers - search based on triplicity rulers of the selected Point.
Bound ruler - search based on the term (bound) lord of the selected Point.
Face ruler - search based on the Face (Decanate) lord of the selected Point.
Antiscion - search based on the position of the antiscion of the selected Point.
Contra-Antiscion - search based on the position of the contra-antiscion of the selected Point.
Search criteria can be combined into complex formulas using the following operators:
In addition to that you can define filters such as chart names, event types, etc.
When search for first trade horoscopes (Financial Gold Edition), you can add market related filters: Market Indexes, Industry, Sectors, Markets and so on.
Search criteria and search formulas can be saved and then used to analyze your charts database. -
Chart Stats 15
The following statistic graphs are available:
- Stats by Element
- Planets distribution by Sign Rulers
- Planets distribution by Exaltation
- Planets distribution by Terms/Bounds
- Planets distribution by Faces rulers
- Planets distribution by Fall rulers
- Planets distribution by Detriment rulers
- Planets distribution in Signs
- Planets distribution in Signs (13 signs Zodiac)
- Planets distribution in Faces/Decans
- Planets distribution in Houses
- Planets distribution by House Types (Angular, Succedent, Cadent)
- Planets distribution in Quadrants
- Planets distribution in Hemispheres
- Planets distribution by Masculine/Feminine signs
Chart Groups Analysis
Ability to analyze groups of charts for commonalities and differences
13 research criteria
Customizable research criteria set
Statistical graphs with charts group data along with predicted/expected values and standard deviations below and above the meanCharts Group research criteria Group Research Results Group Research Statistics/Graphs